The Rose Of Manascula Cannot Smile

    The Manasculan Rose
    Our Queen of the Hedge
    Upon her throne, arose
    She looms on her ledge

    Subjects themselves prostrate
    Admiring her crown
    Wondering on her fate
    Fawning on her gown

    From above, vultures swoop
    Circling her with glee
    Descending to her stoop
    As the subjects flee

    Behind her fronds hides her thorns
    So she cannot smile
    She stares with haughty scorn
    So none see her guile

    By herself, she did fight
    While hiding her might
    As those birds take their flight
    Her eyes, they grew bright

    But sharp were their talons
    And though she was strong
    She fell between canyons
    With nary a song

    The Manasculan Rose
    Seed astrewn for miles
    Someday reap what she sows
    That she someday, smiles