The Giant Of Inespell
In the great past, before the Greater Tribe knew of grain and ale.
Before the cow and the horse grazed the meadows of Rannek,
Our people herded goats and marched with the seasons.
Upon the Northern Lights, they came
Riding the Northern Winds, they came.
The Eldrim they called themselves.
And at first, we loved them.
They taught us of metals and the forge
We taught them our stars and our sky
They taught us to shape the stone
We taught them to sail our waters
They taught us to color the flowers
We taught them to make them bloom
Then they taught us glamour
We taught them the ways of our world
For all their haughtiness, they were not our masters
They were as brothers, we were kin
But as brothers do, we often did fight
It has come to pass that their true selves were shown
Interlopers who covet our lands
For while they thought themselves great, they lost their own
But as they learned our ways, they grew strong
And their glamour was beyond our own
In each battle, we grew desperate
By inch and by furlong, we lost our lands
And the Eldrim, strong as they are
We grew small underneath their yoke
But for all that they taught
they did not teach us of iron
For iron was their bane
Iron is now our blessing
The greatest of us, the most learned
With all the glamour ours could muster
We forged with the fires of our mountains a protector
A Giant of Iron, the Giant of Inespell
Guided by our collective rage
Condensed under the violent vortices of time
Under the guidance of the Watcher of the Pools
The Giant marched forth against their floating towns
With iron and with fire, it wrought destruction
Those of the Eldrim who thought highly of themselves
were then brought low by the Giant's might
And on that day, we taught them of iron and the fire of our rage
In'isbelul tor'ales 🔗
branrum 'aterbran mator'alul branes
branrum 'ilis'er grasedel ma'ales
branrum 'ilis'er tiraiel ma'ales
branrum 'aterbran gras'er makores
branrum 'aterbran gras'er rokes
branrum 'aterbran sinthir'er tomures
branrum graslas ma'al'isul torbael
mabarak'erlas 'isel thranales
ranekul grasgrales weslas
branrum ma'altallas gralises
'eldegralen asadimrisitar
branrum 'eldalulbreses norath'er
branrum 'eldalokes barimris'er talel
branrum ma'altales dakisa'er ma'al'isel
'ilisimris'er tamines 'isel
'ilisimris'er tales 'isul litharel
'ilisimris'er kabrastsim gares 'isel
'ilisimris'er tales kaward'er 'isul aiel
'ilisimris'er kathrakelsim wenes 'isel
'ilisimris'er tales katagsim wen'er wenel
'aterimris 'ilisimris'er talel kakulsim ma'al'isel
'ilisimris'er 'isul gralul thides ma'al'isel
las katorthil altanes
'al'ises mo'altanesp branrum
kakethbran ma'altales branrum
kataksim 'ir'er imris kabranlases
'irur'er imris branlases 'ir'er, branlases
'irur'er imris kabranlases 'ir'er, branlases
branum altalel hisimris'er kathid matallas tel
maimwesok 'alises branrum magralnat tel
imris 'ilislas'er 'al'isul mathides, 'altales kapalsim
'altalul kulitar 'ir'er 'al'isules
uranel barakteres 'ir'erimris branrum
ma'al'isul magrales mous'er branrum
kapal eldalokel kalis 'al'ises kostesp'er branrum
imris las maetiles 'ilisimris'er 'altanel branrum
mo'ilisimris'er ires 'altanel branrum
las ires 'altanul kaimpal'er branrum
ter'is ires 'alisul torpalel 'irer
tor'al'ises, ma'al'isul 'ilissimes
ewes marankules ma'al'isel taglas'er
brismal'er ma'al'isel ewes 'ibrisel torwardokes
tor'ales irel brast'er
in'isbelul tor'ales
ward'er ma'al'isul imibrises
eltek'er katak terul bramulises
eldaloktalel katormeritar'er matallas
matalel kamomerasam'er imris kadu tor'ales
'aterter thrakelenes, ma'al'isel 'ilisimris'er ires
'aterter thrakelenes, ma'al'isel 'ilisimris'er imibrisul 'ibrises
Inespell's Giant 🔗
in the distant past, before the dawn of the Greater Tribe
in the distant past, before we knew of grain
in the distant past, before we knew of ale
in the distant past, before the cows grazed
in the distant past, before the horse grazed
in the distant past, before the great owl flew
in the distant past, we herded our goats
we marched with the seasons
within the meadows of Rannek
in the distant past, they came to this land
upon the Northern Lights
in the distant past, they rode the Northern Winds
in the distant past, Eldhellen they were called
in the distant past, we were infatuated with them
They taught us the forge
We taught them our stars
They taught us to craft the stone
We taught them to sail our waters
They taught us to color the flowers
We taught them to make them bloom
Then they taught us glamour
We taught them the ways of our world
Despite their haughtiness, we were not beneath them
We were as kin
As kin does, we often fought
They have showed their true selves
Invaders who want our lands
because they learned our ways, the grew strong
their glamour was greater
from inch to league our lands were lost the strong Eldrim trampled us like mere children