The Elven Boons
History 🔗
After years of brutal hardship and subservience to the giants during the tail end of the Draco-Giant Wars, a group of fey folk, Elves, Gnomes and others have banded together to gain favor from the Archfey of the Seelie Court. These fair folk wished to explore other realms across the Fey Crossings that sometimes appear across the Feywild.
These fey, a host of elves of many different lineages, succeeded in the tasks set upon them by the Archfey, and were gifted with powerful magical artifacts that would protect them during their attempts to cross into unknown realms. Each of the Four Archfey of the Seasonal Courts gifted the host one artifact:
The Green Lord, King Oberon bestowed upon them the Emerald Shield of Spring.
The Summer Queen Titania granted the Topaz Ring of Summer.
The Autumn Queen Arcadia awarded them the Ruby Amulet of Fall.
The Frost Prince conferred upon them the Sapphire Brooch of Winter.
These four artifacts together, safely allowed them to traverse the planes, and had led them to the island of Senera, where they would find succor and refuge from the giants and their tyranny.
The island was home to the tribes of the Ma'al, as they called themselves. These tribes saw the arrival of the elven host from across the sky via what they called the Elven Bridge Above, eldegralen asadimris. As the elves descended, The seers of the different tribes were at odds at what their arrival meant. The Malthren of the Mamalthrekok tribe heralded the elves as bringers of great prosperity and peace, but the Malthren of the Magarisok saw that the elves bring with them a great danger. After great debate however, the tribes agreed to grant the elves havens in their lands, and the elves, in turn agreed that such a great gift must be reciprocated in accordance with the practice of Fey Deals.
Thus the gemstones granted by the Archfey to the Elves were given as the Elven Boons.
The Boons and their Effects 🔗
The Emerald Shield of Spring 🔗
The Emerald Shield of Spring was given to the Maasamgralok tribe, who found kinship with the Plain Elves who were first to arrive on the island. They were one the firmest advocates for the elves to ally with the Ma'al.
The Topaz Ring of Summer 🔗
The Topaz Ring of Summer was given to the Mabrisgralok tribe, whose comfortable warmth and abundance were a match with the
The Ruby Amulet of Fall 🔗
The Ruby Amulet of Fall was given to the Magarisok tribe, who were the most wary of the Elves, and were the most skeptical of their intentions. The Ruby Amulet was a promise that would allow the Ma'al to protect themselves from a broken pact.
The Sapphire Brooch of Winter 🔗
The Sapphire Brooch of Winter was given to the Mamirok tribe, whose cold hardiness and resilience resonated with the artifact itself.