Parpelissian Journal

    Translated from Classical Parpelissian by Narmaya

    25th Day of the First Month of 870 🔗

    The seas are quite calm today, and so, after a month of this voyage, I finally am able to document our misadventure in this journal daddy has given me as a gift.

    Up until now, my constitution had not withstood the tossing and turning of the Sarmatian Sea along the coast of Estrega, as we headed north through the Tears, into the fjords of Snowden. If not for the kindness of a Cleric of Justice we've been travelling with, I do not believe I would have made it. Such a kindly man, always ensuring that I have company when my husband was in conference with his associates. Such a find taste for wines as well!

    26th Day of the First Month of 870 🔗

    My husband cannot even give me the tinme of day. It's much like it was before we left Parpelisse. Ws it wrong of me to expect something different? Perhaps. but can I be blamed for hoping? At the very least, I've had the fortunate happenstance that I've met with Cleric Richelieu. My conversations with the man were stimulating both intellectually and emotionally. I forgot how good it felt to have someone's undivided attention.

    27th Day of the First Month of 870 🔗

    Imagine my surprise when I realized who he is! The cleric Jacques Richelieu is the renouned blacksmith Riche! How could anyone believe this person to be a charlatan?? He is so down to earth, so humble! He never, not once, revealed his true nature in boast! Such a gentleman as well. O've ,ade the error, due to my being imbibed in driny, of kissing him too close to his lips... He merely reassured me as i showered him with a litany of apologies. He said he was at fault, not me. In truthm I may have been slightly less restrained in my imaginings... My husband has been so cold lately--always speaking in hushed tones with the first officer...

    28th Day of the First Month of 870 🔗

    It started with a kiss And it ended just like this With his hand on my hips And my neck on his lips

    Such a magical evening it was! Riche was every inch the attentive lover I imagined he would be!

    It began innocently, as he invited me to his room to view an example of his work. He had his personal armor stored in a padded chest. I said I wanted to see what it felt like inside. He laughed, of course, and said that it would be a poor fit. I insisted that ist was, after all just for a little bit of fun. He eventually did let me--and so after a few drinks, I dropped my dress, then my bodice, then my trousers. In sight of a man who was not my husband, I was exposed, and trembling.

    And so I wore his armor--so cold to my stiff nipples. Right after I donned his breastplate, he then proceeded to wear me. It was exhilirating! The armor pressed down on me as he plowed his engorged member into my overly irrigated flower. I... *indecipherable*

    He found out!