Timeline Of Major Events

    The timeline uses two dating systems:

    • PF (Pre-Flowering): Years before the Kalassarian Empire, counting backwards
    • AI (Anno Imperium): Years since empire's foundation, starting from Year 1

    Calendar 🔗

    The primary calendar is the Kalassarian calendar, which have 12 months in a year each with 30 days.

    3000 PFFounding of the Kureran Capital at Korad
    500 PFFounding of the Kalassus at the Mirian Peninsula
    500? PFEstregans settle L'Illes Apgarie; name "Tichom"
    270 PFFirst record of White Witches in Tochoma
    460 PFKala, legendary ruler of Kalassus
    1 AIFlowering of the Kalassarian Empire
    15 AIFirst Kalassarian-Kureran War
    29 AIDeath of the Divine Masochist
    70 AIKureran Genocide at the hands of the Kalassar
    102 AIKalassar conquers Hapgaria
    105 AISeneria founded, present-day Port Surrey their first settlement
    111 AIKalassarians claim Tochoma as Mauricia
    111 AITochoma settlement founded; White Witches recognized
    111 AIGovernor of Seneria dies; family cursed
    112 AIJoint council formed; Halorin leads Witches
    200 AIBeginning of the decline of Ritma (magical power)
    269 AIFounding of Bastion
    276 AIFounding of Ahuria as a theocratic empire
    433 AIBeginning of the Ahurian Conquest of South Central Kalassar
    440 AIThe Baraonian Rebellion
    440 AIKalassarians flee; White Witches control island
    466 AIRazing of the City of Kalassus
    466 AIFall of the Western Kalassar Empire
    466 AIThe Kingdom of Senera is founded
    547 AIFounding of the Kingdom of Poasah
    627 AICalamutz independence; King Cala I crowned
    670 AIFracturing of the Eastern Kalassar Empire
    675 AISeneran Succession Wars starts
    690 AISeneran Succession Wars ends, House Dragonheart split from Maidenfeld
    701 AIKing Cala I of Calamutz dies
    701 AIPoasan Reconquest of South Central Kalasar
    751 AIThe War of Thyme and Fire starts
    790 AIThe War of Thyme and Fire ends, House Dragonheart takes the throne
    876 AINarmaya was born
    889 AINarmaya was turned
    910 AITown of Hama sinks
    955 AIApgarian History: The First Anasaian-Estregan War
    960 AIEstrega claims the archipelago that would be named L'Illes Apgarie
    968 AIApgarian History: The Second Anasaian-Estregan War
    970 AIMauricia was renamed Raibon; Rainoso was founded
    970 AINarmaya was imprisoned
    976 AIThe First Apgarian Revolution
    991 AIThe First Apgarian Revolution ends
    1031 AIThe Second Apgarian Revolution
    1158 AIAhurian Conquest of Giza
    1167 AIThe Third Apgarian Revolution
    1201 AIAhurian Conquest of Manascula
    1207 AIThe Mehicanian Revolt: Hermanos de la Libertad
    1210 AIThe Realista Counterrevolution
    1225 AIThe Fall of Bastion
    1230 AIThe Founding of the Reformed Church of the Divine Masochist
    1230 AISumman Prohibition on Demihuman Races and Abilities begins
    1235 AISeneran Great Emancipation Act passed as mandated by Primate of Poasah
    1248 AIA resurgent Hermanos de la Libertad assassinated the Mehicanian King
    1250 AIThe Poasan-Apgarian Conflict starts
    1254 AIRevolt of the Kolhan Ansa ends, Kolha Ahuria is partitioned
    1255 AIThe Poasan-Apgarian Conflict ends with the Treaty of Turain
    1244 AIFounding of the Thirteen
    1245 AIThe Verdine Segregation of Calamutz
    1250 AIPrince Kolha XVIII dies; Revolt of the Kolhan Ansa begins
    1250 AIThe Poasan-Apgarian Conflict begins
    1275 AIHags of Hama refounded