Timeline Of Major Events
The timeline uses two dating systems:
- PF (Pre-Flowering): Years before the Kalassarian Empire, counting backwards
- AI (Anno Imperium): Years since empire's foundation, starting from Year 1
Calendar 🔗
The primary calendar is the Kalassarian calendar, which have 12 months in a year each with 30 days.
Year | Event |
3000 PF | Founding of the Kureran Capital at Korad |
500 PF | Founding of the Kalassus at the Mirian Peninsula |
500? PF | Estregans settle L'Illes Apgarie; name "Tichom" |
270 PF | First record of White Witches in Tochoma |
460 PF | Kala, legendary ruler of Kalassus |
1 AI | Flowering of the Kalassarian Empire |
15 AI | First Kalassarian-Kureran War |
29 AI | Death of the Divine Masochist |
70 AI | Kureran Genocide at the hands of the Kalassar |
102 AI | Kalassar conquers Hapgaria |
105 AI | Seneria founded, present-day Port Surrey their first settlement |
111 AI | Kalassarians claim Tochoma as Mauricia |
111 AI | Tochoma settlement founded; White Witches recognized |
111 AI | Governor of Seneria dies; family cursed |
112 AI | Joint council formed; Halorin leads Witches |
200 AI | Beginning of the decline of Ritma (magical power) |
269 AI | Founding of Bastion |
276 AI | Founding of Ahuria as a theocratic empire |
433 AI | Beginning of the Ahurian Conquest of South Central Kalassar |
440 AI | The Baraonian Rebellion |
440 AI | Kalassarians flee; White Witches control island |
466 AI | Razing of the City of Kalassus |
466 AI | Fall of the Western Kalassar Empire |
466 AI | The Kingdom of Senera is founded |
547 AI | Founding of the Kingdom of Poasah |
627 AI | Calamutz independence; King Cala I crowned |
670 AI | Fracturing of the Eastern Kalassar Empire |
675 AI | Seneran Succession Wars starts |
690 AI | Seneran Succession Wars ends, House Dragonheart split from Maidenfeld |
701 AI | King Cala I of Calamutz dies |
701 AI | Poasan Reconquest of South Central Kalasar |
751 AI | The War of Thyme and Fire starts |
790 AI | The War of Thyme and Fire ends, House Dragonheart takes the throne |
876 AI | Narmaya was born |
889 AI | Narmaya was turned |
910 AI | Town of Hama sinks |
955 AI | Apgarian History: The First Anasaian-Estregan War |
960 AI | Estrega claims the archipelago that would be named L'Illes Apgarie |
968 AI | Apgarian History: The Second Anasaian-Estregan War |
970 AI | Mauricia was renamed Raibon; Rainoso was founded |
970 AI | Narmaya was imprisoned |
976 AI | The First Apgarian Revolution |
991 AI | The First Apgarian Revolution ends |
1031 AI | The Second Apgarian Revolution |
1158 AI | Ahurian Conquest of Giza |
1167 AI | The Third Apgarian Revolution |
1201 AI | Ahurian Conquest of Manascula |
1207 AI | The Mehicanian Revolt: Hermanos de la Libertad |
1210 AI | The Realista Counterrevolution |
1225 AI | The Fall of Bastion |
1230 AI | The Founding of the Reformed Church of the Divine Masochist |
1230 AI | Summan Prohibition on Demihuman Races and Abilities begins |
1235 AI | Seneran Great Emancipation Act passed as mandated by Primate of Poasah |
1248 AI | A resurgent Hermanos de la Libertad assassinated the Mehicanian King |
1250 AI | The Poasan-Apgarian Conflict starts |
1254 AI | Revolt of the Kolhan Ansa ends, Kolha Ahuria is partitioned |
1255 AI | The Poasan-Apgarian Conflict ends with the Treaty of Turain |
1244 AI | Founding of the Thirteen |
1245 AI | The Verdine Segregation of Calamutz |
1250 AI | Prince Kolha XVIII dies; Revolt of the Kolhan Ansa begins |
1250 AI | The Poasan-Apgarian Conflict begins |
1275 AI | Hags of Hama refounded |