Scripture | Knimonad

    The Knimonad is the first in a collection of scrolls, collectively called the Bibliotheod.


    In the beginning the Divine was One, and all was One with Him. And all was Good and Peaceful, so the Lord slumbered. As He slept, his unknowable mind dreamt. As as he dreamed, he made the World. But the world was yet barren and lifeless. So it came to be the He made the Angel of Nature, to help Him fill the entirety of Creation. With them, He made the planes, the stars, the planets, the plants and animals, then the people.

    But at the time, the people were not much better than animals themselves. The Angel of Nature made the people formed in their own image, and blessed with the essence of intelligence. But as with all in nature, all is in balance, and the people were embattled to survive.

    Then the Lord saw these creations and immediately loved them, that He gave them his favor. He parted with more of His Divine Essence with the brightest of the stars of creation, then from its core was borne the Angel of Civilization. The Angel as most intelligent, and bestowed upon the people the gift of Lore. From the first Lore the people learned of fire. Then they learned to reap Nature's gifts and sow them thus and learned agriculture. Then they felt the majestly of the Divine Essence itself surround them, and learned of Ritma.

    The people were made plentiful and spread through all corners of the world. They have become shepherds, stewards of Nature and Civilization's gifts and made marvels big and small. But the people soon were consumed by these gifts, giving all thought to their construction, and soon exploitation. The most gifted sought ways to use their marvels to gain more than what they needed. The lesser ones of quiet cunning used guile and deceit to dress their failings, and take from those gullible others. Their manifest pride had grown beyond belief at the marvel of their works and forgot they themselves were given the gifts they wholly claimed as their own. Even the Angel of Civilization began to be boastful at the greatness their gifts have wrought to the people who were to be their charge. Thus came the first Devil, the Devil of Hubris.

    The people were goaded by Hubris to leap beyond and aim toward the moon and the stars, to pierce wider into the planes beyond sight. In so doing, they wrought descruction to many of Nature's bounty. This had angered the Angel of Nature, for it tipped the balance too far. They created locusts and rust monsters to right the scales once more, destroying all indiscriminately to come to their goal. They have become the Devil of Pestilence.

    Those left behind began to fall into despair and pain, and prayed to the Lord for salvation. The Divine took pity on them and saw that more of Himself must be given. For He had given them His Nature and His Civilization, but none of His virtue. So, the Divine shaped the Angels of Virtue.

    To combat Hubris he brought about the Angel of Humility.

    To fight against the darkness of Pestilence, come the Angel of Delight.

    Then to guide all to do what is right, he sent the Angel of Justice.

    Then all was Good and Peaceful.

    But even virtues may turn to sin on excess. Delight gave and offered such pleasures more base and more carnal that the people became ensnared in addiction. They could not stop, nor would they want, and they became the Devil of Debauchery.

    People's pride at their works and marvels were great, and intermingled with Debauchery. The Angel of Humility was driven mad against the sheer weight of all and began using their power to hold and dominate those that would not listen. They would become forceful, to the point that any progress was brought low by their feet. Thus was born, the Devil of Inhibition.

    Mired in sin, and the influence of the new Devils, the Angel of Justice could no longer tolerate the evil that they saw. They began dealing indiscriminate punishment to cities at a time, without thought to the innocents that they may have harmed as well. In this way, the Angel of Justice became the Devil of Intolerance.