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    The Ahore is the dominant, and only official state religion of the Ahurian Empire, as well as in the former Kolhan Secessionist Principalities. The belief is that God himself, the Great Ahuriyata, had returned from the Great Beyond in order to correct the ills of mankind.

    Though opposed to bloodshed, the Great Ahuriyata (literally, god among men), had waged a righteous war to unite all peoples under his banner, and teach them the Starlit Path--a collection of Sutras that all must adhere to, in order to escape the Wheel of Suffering, into the Great Beyond.

    The religion itself centers on the worship and veneration of the Ansa Ahuriyata, the Divine Children of God, as well as the veneration of ones own ancestors. The Ansa, as they may be called collectively, are said to be descendants of the first twelve children of the Great Ahuriyata who were the generals fought for the creation of Ahuria, the Lands of the Divine.

    The Ahurian Caste

    Based on the Ahurian priestly tradition, it was said that after the conquest of Ralaka, the Great Ahuriyata found that most of humanity was unworthy of joining him in the Great Beyond. Their souls could not be easily untethered from the Threads of the World, otherwise they might stray from the Starlit Path, and lose themselves in the Great Darkness.

    He ordered a Grand Convocation, a grand census of the Lands of the Divine to determine how far along each person is along the Starlit Path. From the records collected by his scribes and priests, he had determined that there were certain traits preserved along bloodlines, that had effects on every individual's soul. He made groupings of families and organized them according to six different categories.

    Ansa Ahuriyata

    {% see() %}Ansa Ahuriyata{% see %}

    Those of the blood of the original twelve Ahuriyata were given a place of honor amongst those that walk the Lands of the Divine. The Ansa Ahuriyata, the Children of the God of All Men were given dominion over all those who walk the Starlit Path.

    The eldest twelve would govern the twelve regions of vast Ahuria as their princes. After the conquest of Giza and Manascula, the thirteenth and fourteenth eldest would be given governorship over those lands, respectively.


    {% see() %}Ahorikishki{% see %}

    Those most pious to the Great Ahuriyata, and those that follow the Starlit Path most closely, were given the privilege of serving the Ansa directly. They are the Ahorikishki, the Gods' Beloved. They alone may directly touch those with divine majesty: to give them homage, praise and pleasure.


    {% see() %}Akkibati{% see %}

    The descendants of the warriors who fought during the Ahurian Conquest were seen to be the strongest amongst the peoples. They were given dominion over the horses and hawks, and were given the responsibility of defending the Ahurian Lands.

    In exchange for their tireless service, they were also granted the right to collect taxes from the people, and offer the as tithes to their Ansa.


    {% see() %}Provobati{% see %}

    The descendants of those who had provided goods and services to the Great Ahuriyata during the Ahurian Conquest were recognized for their great skill and talent. The Provobati;s dexterity and alactrity afforded them the right to make great works in the name of their Lord.

    The various Provobati guilds train Ahuria's merchants, sailors, blacksmiths and other such craftsmen.


    {% see() %}Ponsabati{% see %}

    Those who have sought to feed the armies of the Ahuriyata, they who have toiled on the Ahurian Lands were given the name Ponsabati.

    They are the farmers and herders of Ahuria who tend the crops and feed and slaughter the animals for meat.

    From amongst the Ponsabati, are also the headsmen who may be called to cull the lives of those that betray the Starlit Path most egregiously.


    {% see() %}Kirsharti{% see %}

    There are two subdivisions within the Kirsharti, or the servant caste. The class of the recently brought low to be rehabilitated called the Pariya Kirsharti; and the class of the docile and subservient called the Konti Kirsharti.

    Pariya Kirsharti

    The Great Ahuriyata decreed the creation of the Pariya sub-caste in the Sutra of the Servant Bound. Pariya are mostly convicted felons given a life sentence, and their children up to a certain generation, based on the severity of the crime. Serious offenses that are not egregious enough to warrant the death sentence, but are terrible enough that temporary imprisonment cannot be considered a proper penance for the crime.

    Even if they are technically equal in rank with the Konti Kirsharti, Pariya are often treated as below them. A descendant of a Pariya beyond the mandated punishment are raised as a Konti Kirsharti of the last Pariya ancestor's master.

    Konti Kirsharti


    {% see() %}Harsi{% see %}

    The Harsi are those that have intentionally fallen off the Starlit Path of the Great Ahuriyata. They are those that have sullied themselves by denoucing the guidance of the Ansa. No longer would they afford the benefits of Ahurian society, and they must fend for themselves in the cruel world.