Society Of The Angel Of Delight

    The Society of the Angel of Delight is one of the major religious orders authorized and consecrated by the The Orthodox Church of the Divine Masochist. It is one of the oldest institutions formed whose aim is to give glory to the Divine Masochist through the intercession of the Angel of Delight in her primary aspect.

    The Guiding Lights of the Society 🔗

    The Guiding Lights are a set of observances that the clergy of the Society are taught to live by. They are a list of guidelines that give context to the Divine Masochist doctrine, through the lens of embracing the delights bestowed upon humanity by the Lord.

    Light of Poverty 🔗

    This is the only strictly adhered-to guiding light. Those who enter into the seminary or novitiate are immediately asked to perform a provisional version of the Vow. Simply put, it states that they must renounce any ownership of land, titles and of anything that may generate any form of material wealth. 

    To many, it seems contradictory that an order devoted to the seeking, enjoying and dispensing pleasures and delights. Access to the excess, however is said to have been what had led the Angel of Delight to become the Devil of Debauchery before The Fall. However, this poverty must be tempered with a measure of indulgence when confronted with freely-given pleasures.

    Light of Novelty 🔗

    Members of the Society are encouraged to seek out new and novel ideas, emotions, food and other such delights. To connect themselves to the communities that they 

    Light of Charity 🔗

    Light of Spontaneity 🔗