Legally Bare

    Legally Bare is an adult magazine published by the Ministry of Science established in 1274 AI. In comparison with Nightshift Nurses, another adult magazine published by the Ministry of Science, Legally Bare features younger women, often only recently entering the Apgarian age of majority, with more variety in their pseudonymic conceits.

    Purpose and Content 🔗

    Similar to its older and more popular sister publication, the magazine's explicit imagery serves as a vehicle for disseminating scientific and empirical knowledge to the adult population. The goal is that the enticing models would lure in a demographic that would otherwise not be interested in subjects broached more mainstream scientific publications.

    Unlike Nightshift Nurses, Legally Bare's columnists do not really write their articles. Instead, ghost writers are tasked with the writing, and the models simply pose in situations that are tangentially related to the feature. One exception is Mia Campbell's column, which features articles regarding her own studies about magic.

    Notable Columnists 🔗


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    The magazine features several regular columnists writing under provocative pen names:

    • Beloved Nurse Lollia - Pen name of Lollia Skala, also featured in Nightshift Nurses, she was added in the roster for Legally Bare in order to drum up interest in the magazine. She was only in the first issue of the magazine, but may contribute at times.
    • Enchanting Sorceress Mia - "Has no sense of embarrassment" Pen name of Dorothy Campbell, a member of the Hags of Hama who was scouted and hired by part-owner and Nightshift Nurses model/columnist Mystine Nightingale.
    • School Girl Cinna Moan - Dark skinned girl who writes the column "Ask Cinna" about relationship advice, makeup tips and school life.
    • Anger of Delight
    • Maerwen Lunartear

    Sponsors 🔗

    • Blue Bella, lingerie company
    • Peach John, lingerie company
    • Nymphette, lingerie company