
    Type Name Members
    Business Entity Mirian Trading Company Justus
    Hardpebble Trading Company
    Hardrada Shipping Victor Hardrada
    Parvèse Houses of Pleasures
    Coven Hags of Hama Dorothy Marie Campbell
    Hedwig Rosa Rosenkrantz
    Education Department of History and Culture
    Gang Krusale's Boys
    Government Sanerian Assembly
    Ahurian Empire
    Port Rainoso Local Government Régis Langlois
    Jules Salmon
    Kirch Valoria
    Guy Rabespierre
    Wanda Lavosier
    Degare Durant
    Gigi Dupont
    Émile Bellerose
    Quinn Pratt
    Reginald de Villa
    Apgarian Confederacy
    Kingdom of Nura
    Guild La Camaraderie de la Mer
    Hugo Thieves' Guild
    Law Enforcement Peacekeepers of Tressemer Anda Antorra
    Magazine Nightshift Nurses Mystine Nightingale
    Katalin Helinski
    Lollia Skala
    Tharja Lutgard
    Azalea Ainsley
    Ines Lanessiana Cicero
    Shara Nasari
    Legally Bare Lollia Skala
    Dorothy Marie Campbell
    Angelita Rannek
    Mercenary Group The Hunting Lodge Arrigal
    Ines Lanessiana Cicero
    Free Theater Max Murray
    Andre Arquette
    Andrei Delarde
    Alfred Panet
    Paula Abdul
    Military The Thirteen Samantha Ardenne
    Sirra Kita
    Monastery The Way of the Long Death Alfred Panet
    Organized Crime Coutillie Aloysius Coutillie
    Nana Clarita Coutillie
    Bouillard Oliver Savoy
    Percival Savoy
    Yves Renault Bouillard
    Ines Lanessiana Cicero
    Renault II Bouillard
    Machado Don Alejandro Machado
    Don Regidor Machado
    Other Four Pillars of the East Side Rosemunda Parvèse
    Paramilitary Peacekeepers of Tressemer Anda Antorra
    Political Hickland for Hicks
    Religion Reformed Church of the Divine Masochist Belinda
    Isana Walburton
    Orthodox Church of the Divine Masochist Monsignor Adelberto Leonidas
    Rolf Prichard de la Fouet
    Rino Galanodel
    Levallier de la Fouet
    Revivalist Church of the Divine Masochist
    Religious Society Circle of the Angel of Nature Phillipa Vertin
    The Mendicant Order of the Angel of Humility Shoshana De La Mare
    The Monadic Order of the Ram
    The Way of the Long Death Alfred Panet
    Legion of the Matron
    Society of the Angel of Delight
    The Congregation of the Angel of Civilization
    Dark Archons
    Followers of the Masochist
    Order of the Angel of Justice
    Revolutionary Hickland for Hicks
    Ship La Carnalis Jean-Paul de la Fouet
    Rozenmaiden Narmaya
    Anton Lightning
    George Machado
    Minfilia Diaz
    Oscar Savoy
    Somme Privatea
    Dominguez Tailleur
    Maitea Errasti
    Hedwig Rosa Rosenkrantz
    Souris Marine Auguste Lyonnaire
    Society Ministry of the Occult Cotto
    Phantasmagoria Iluvia Wunderplat
    State Legislature Sanerian Assembly
    Utility Unspoiled Hydration
    country Kalassarian Empire
    The Secessionist Principalities
    historical polity Kingdom of Sanery
    Kingdom of Anasai
    military Seneran Royal Navy Boyle Eastonton
    Henry Surrata-Spellvig