Tidemark is the southern of the twin cities on Surrey-on-the-Brams, controlling the southern channel (Bramsward Way) and the crucial Wardcross bridges. Originally a Hick settlement, it developed into a major transfer point between river and land trade.
History 🔗
Pre-Kalassarian Period 🔗
- Original Hick fishing settlement
- Early ferry crossing point
- Sacred sites and shrines
- Tidal observation points
- Traditional market location
Kalassarian Period 🔗
- Bridge construction begins
- Formal customs posts established
- Warehouse district development
- Administrative quarter built
- Trade regulations codified
Modern Era 🔗
- Major land-sea transfer point
- Commercial trading center
- Bridge town development
- Maritime support services
- Cultural melting pot
City Administration 🔗
Executive Officials 🔗
- Lord Mayor Darnell Marrick
- Former merchant captain, known for strict but fair governance
- Oversees city council and major trade agreements
- Residence: Mayoral Manor on High Street
City Council 🔗
- Harbor Master Elara Navton
- Controls port operations and maritime safety
- Office: Harbor Master's Tower
- Trade Warden Marcus Mercor
- Oversees customs and commercial regulations
- Office: Wardcross Customs House
- Temple Representative Sister Agatha Thralvig
- Liaison between city and Church of Divine Masochism
- Office: Temple District Administrative Center
- Guild Master Coordinator Thom Silverman
- Mediates between various trade guilds
- Office: Guild Hall Complex
District Administrators 🔗
- Tidemark Proper: Magistrate Roland Porton
- Wardcross Isle: Warden Victoria Bridgeward
- Southbank: Overseer Garrett Smedling
Law Enforcement 🔗
City Watch Captain Helena Viglar
- Commands city guard force of ~200
- Headquarters: Central Watch House
Harbor Watch Commander Erik Skelward
- Maritime law enforcement
- Base: Harbor Watch Tower
City Structure 🔗
Public Facilities 🔗
Administrative Buildings 🔗
- City Hall (Tidemark Proper)
- Council chambers
- Public records office
- Tax collection
- Marriage registry
- District Offices
- Wardcross Administrative Center
- Southbank Municipal Building
- Harbor Authority Complex
Parks and Recreation 🔗
- Tidewater Gardens
- Public park with ocean views
- Musical performances
- Festival grounds
- Merchant's Rest
- Shaded marketplace plaza
- Public benches and fountains
- Street performer space
- Bridge View Park
- Walking paths
- Bird watching platforms
- Picnic areas
Public Houses 🔗
The Sailor's Rest
- Traditional maritime tavern
- Sea shanty performances
- Fresh seafood
The Bridge & Barrel
- Merchant's favorite
- Private meeting rooms
- Fine wines
The Crossed Anchors
- Working class pub
- Arm wrestling contests
- Cheap ale
Districts 🔗
Tidemark Proper 🔗
The original settlement area, characterized by:
- Ancient Hick street patterns
- Traditional markets
- Maritime facilities
- Guild headquarters
- Religious centers
Major Streets 🔗
- High Street
- Administrative heart of Tidemark
- Location of Mayoral Manor and City Hall
- Guild offices and wealthy merchants' homes
- Traditional market area
- Connects to Temple District
- Market Street
- Links Old Market Square to Maritime Quarter
- Traditional market stalls
- Public gathering spaces
- Connection to Harbor Walk
- Temple Row
- Main thoroughfare through Temple District
- Connects major religious buildings
- Ecclesiastical offices
- Religious schools
- Harbor Walk
- Waterfront promenade
- Maritime businesses
- Shipping offices
- Connects to Maritime Quarter
Notable Features 🔗
- Old Market Square
- Traditional trading area
- Festival grounds
- Public gatherings
- Cultural events
- Community center
- Temple District
- Grand Temple of Divine Masochism (converted ~200 AI)
- Former Kalassarian administrative complex
- Regional ecclesiastical courts
- Seminary and theological library
- Church administrative offices
- Charitable institutions
- Parish Churches
- St. Maiden's (oldest, ~180 AI)
- Temple of Sacred Suffering
- Church of Divine Penance
- Chapel of Blessed Pain
- Multiple smaller parishes
- Support Facilities
- Clergy housing
- Church schools
- Almshouses
- Medical facilities
- Religious archives
- Grand Temple of Divine Masochism (converted ~200 AI)
- Maritime Quarter
- Small boat harbors
- Fish markets
- Repair facilities
- Chandleries
- Sailor's lodgings
Wardcross Isle 🔗
The crucial link between north and south, featuring:
- Bridge infrastructure
- Transfer facilities
- Commercial services
- Transport hubs
- Trading posts
Key Facilities 🔗
- Bridge Complexes
- North and South bridges
- Customs houses
- Guard posts
- Maintenance facilities
- Traffic control
- Transport Services
- Caravan yards
- Horse markets
- Wagon repairs
- Storage facilities
- Rest houses
- Commercial Areas
- Trading offices
- Money changers
- Guild outposts
- Merchant facilities
- Market halls
Southbank 🔗
The newest district, developed for:
- Industrial facilities
- Worker housing
- Storage areas
- Transport links
- Support services
Major Streets 🔗
- Keelswood Way
- Main access to managed forest sections
- Timber transport route
- Watch stations
- Maintenance facilities
- Coastal Road
- Connects Tidemark to The Narrows
- Access to fishing villages
- Watch posts and coast guard stations
- Traditional shrines
- Trading posts
Mill Quarter 🔗
A specialized industrial district managing timber processing from the Admiralty- controlled Keelswood, characterized by:
Administration 🔗
Overseer Henry Thralvig
- Member of the traditional Thralvig family
- Uncle to Temple Representative Agatha Thralvig
- Maintains balance between industrial needs and forest traditions
- Office: Mill Quarter Administrative Center
Joint oversight between Tidemark government and Admiralty
Mill Quarter Administrator (civilian)
Naval Forestry Liaison Officer
Safety inspection team
Infrastructure maintenance corps
Major Streets 🔗
Mill Row
- Primary thoroughfare connecting sawmills
- Loading/unloading zones
- Worker housing
- Equipment storage
Lower Keelswood Way
- Connection to Admiralty's Helm
- Timber transport route
- Mill access road
- Naval checkpoint
Notable Features 🔗
- Water-powered sawmills
- Timber processing facilities
- Lumber storage yards
- Worker housing
- Naval inspection posts
- Transport infrastructure
- Admiralty warehouse complex
Major Thoroughfares 🔗
Keelswood Way 🔗
The ancient road to the Helm, predating Kalassarian occupation, winds through managed forest sections that have supplied timber since pre-imperial times.
Historical Development 🔗
- Original Hick forest path
- Kalassarian engineering improvements
- Silent Age adaptations
- Modern maintenance regime
Route Features 🔗
Lower Section 🔗
- Begins at Tidemark's Admiralty Gate
- Traditional timber merchant quarter
- Historical sawyer's guildhall
- Ancient forest shrines
- Original mile markers
Forest Section 🔗
- Managed Keelswood access
- Traditional logging paths
- Seasonal streams
- Historic sawmill sites
- Ancient woodcutter camps
Mill District 🔗
Upper Keelswood Mills
- Water-powered operations
- Worker settlements
- Timber staging areas
- Processing yards
- Guild facilities
Lower Keelswood Mills
- Finishing workshops
- Apprentice quarters
- Transport depot
- Quality control
- Storage facilities
Modern Usage 🔗
- Timber transport
- Forest management access
- Mill worker transit
- Historical tourism
- Religious pilgrimages
Economy 🔗
Primary Activities 🔗
Trade Transfer
- River-land exchange
- Customs processing
- Goods storage
- Transport services
- Commercial banking
Maritime Services
- Ship chandlery
- Boat repairs
- Pilot services
- Supply stores
- Crew facilities
Transport Support
- Animal handling
- Vehicle maintenance
- Storage facilities
- Guide services
- Rest facilities
Industries 🔗
Keelswood Lumber Operations 🔗
Located along the Middle Rise of Admiralty Rise (see Thoroughfares), the lumber industry serves both local construction and shipbuilding needs.
Mill Locations 🔗
Upper Keelswood Mills
- Positioned along seasonal streams
- Water-powered saw operations
- Primary timber processing
- Worker housing complex
- Storage yards
Lower Keelswood Mills
- Near Midway Station checkpoint
- Secondary processing
- Finishing operations
- Transport staging
- Apprentice facilities
Forest Management 🔗
- Managed sections of Keelswood
- Sustainable harvesting practices
- Replanting programs
- Fire prevention measures
- Erosion control systems
Transportation 🔗
- Dedicated switchback access
- Timber slides for downhill transport
- Multiple staging areas
- Connection to shipyard routes
- Emergency access paths
Production Focus 🔗
- Ship timber processing
- Construction lumber
- Specialized naval supplies
- Bridge maintenance materials
- Export quality woods
Culture 🔗
Social Makeup 🔗
- Merchant families
- Transport workers
- Maritime trades
- Religious communities
- Service providers
Cultural Features 🔗
- Bridge festivals
- River ceremonies
- Trade fairs
- Maritime customs
- Religious observances
Notable Events
- Bridge Day celebrations
- Market festivals
- Maritime holidays
- Religious feasts
- Trade fairs
Religious Establishments 🔗
Church Hierarchy 🔗
Bishop of Surrey - Thralmater Surrata 🔗
- Seat: Cathedral of the Angel of Civilization, Port Surrey
- Jurisdiction: Surrey-on-the-Brams and surrounding settlements
- Oversees: All Divine Masochist churches in the region
- Appointed: 1268
- Notable for: Integration of maritime and urban parishes
Monsignor of Tidemark - Edmund Wardcross 🔗
- Seat: Church of the Angel of Justice, Temple District
- Jurisdiction: Tidemark, The Narrows, and adjacent settlements
- Reports to: Bishop of Surrey
- Appointed: 1271
- Known for: Expansion of worker parish services
Responsibilities 🔗
- Parish administration across Tidemark
- Supervision of local clergy
- Coordination with Temple Representative
- Oversight of religious education
- Management of charitable works
- Direction of community outreach
Major Religious Centers 🔗
Temple District Administration 🔗
- Ecclesiastical courts
- Clergy offices
- Religious archives
- Educational facilities
- Community halls
Church of the Angel of Justice 🔗
- Main parish church
- Traditional ceremonial space
- Training facilities
- Administrative center
- Public worship areas
Church of the Angel of Civilization 🔗
Merchant district location
Trade blessing ceremonies
Guild chapels
Maritime rites
Educational programs
Location: Merchant Quarter
Maritime-themed architecture
Trade blessing chambers
Merchant family chapels
Guild ceremony spaces
Educational facilities
Peripheral Establishments 🔗
Circle of the Angel of Nature Chapels 🔗
- Keelswood Meditation Grove
- Ancient Hick shrine site
- Forest worship spaces
- Traditional ceremonies
- Pilgrim facilities
- Coastal Shrines
- Maritime blessing stations
- Fisher folk chapels
- Storm prayer grottos
- Sailor memorials
- Mill Quarter Chapel
- Worker services
- Traditional ceremonies
- Community gatherings
- Environmental rites
Religious Administration 🔗
- Temple District offices
- Ecclesiastical courts
- Religious education centers
- Charitable institutions
- Community outreach facilities
Sacred Sites 🔗
- Ancient Hick shrines
- Maritime blessing points
- Forest meditation spaces
- Traditional ceremony grounds
- Historical religious markers
See Also 🔗
Location Type | |
city | |
port | |
port city | |
Parent Location | |
Surrey-on-the-Brams | |
Senera |