Port Rainoso
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Port Rainoso is the largest settlement and capital township of Raibon Island. The island itself is administered by the mayor and town council of Rainoso, and is fairly independent from the government of its nominal province of Sanery, whose administrative center is in mainland Apgar.
Rainoso's importance is tied to the Heimann Sound, the southern mouth of Samain River, which can accommodate a large volume of shipping to the north. The port town, because of this, houses a number of satellite offices of prominent trading companies from the Posaran Sea region, notably the Mirian Trading Company, which holds a near-monopoly of the Posaran sea trade.
History 🔗
Old Estregan Pocham 🔗
The Hausi people of present-day Raibon Island started a settlement on the western banks of the Heimann Sound, which they called Pocham. The settlement was primarily a fishing village ane a hub for early trade between the maritime communities of the L'Ille Apgarie archipelago.
They were subservient to the White Witches of the Town of Hama, who were the dominant power in the islands.
Kalassarian Possam 🔗
When the Kalassarians arrived on the island they called Mausia, they were allowed to make a settlement themselves across the Sound. The settlement was called Eastern Possam, and was established as an outpost and secondary port that connected Seneria to the rest of the Beteran continent. This settlement did not garner much interest due to the fact that magical transportation was used more extensively, and sea travel was not as important as it once was.
Eventually, by the Fall of the Kalassarian Empire, the settlement was abandoned and was settled by the local Hausi people.
Resettlement by the Kingdom of Estrega 🔗
The Silver Kingdoms largely ignored the islands of the L'Ille Apgarie archipelago for centuries, due to the protection of the White Witches of Hama. The sinking of the Town of Hama in 910 AI, however, left the islands vulnerable.
During the intervening years, the islands were claimed by a number of the Silver Kingdoms, who each declared the islands to be part of their realm.
The Kingdom of Estrega, however, was the first to send a permanent settlement to the islands. In 961 AI, the islands were claimed by the Kingdom of Estrega, and the original Pocham settlement was razed to the ground. In its place, Port Rainoso was founded.
Renaming as Raibon Island 🔗
In 970 AI, the islands were renamed in honor of King Raibon II of Estrega, who had died the previous year. The settlement was renamed to Raibon Island, and its Port Rainoso officially became the capital of the island, with local administration buildings built, and local magistrates appointed.
Administration 🔗
Minervan Office (Executive Branch) 🔗
Mayor 🔗
The Mayoral office is an elected position that is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the local government. They ensure that local and confederate laws are executed, and that the local government is run efficiently and effectively.
The current Mayor as if 1275 AI is Guy Rabespierre.
Vice-Mayor 🔗
The Vice-Mayor is selected by the Mayor as a running-mate, and acts as a fallback if the Mayor is deemed unfit to run office. They also officiate the meetings of the Justician Council as its prime speaker. Typically, the Vice Mayor has no vote in the Council, except to break ties in simple majority votes.
The current Vice-Mayor is Degare Durant.
Ministers 🔗
These ministers are appointed by the Mayor, and are responsible for specific departments of the local government. Currently, there are 4 ministers:
Minister of Finance 🔗
Minister of Trade 🔗
Minister of Justice 🔗
Minister of the Gendarmerie 🔗
The Mayor may create new temporary ministries as needed, and may appoint additional ministers to oversee them, however, they may only last 1 year at most before they must be dissolved. Motions for extension may be granted by the Justician Council on a case-by-case basis. These offices may also be ratified as permanent institutions by the Justician Council through regular legislation.
Justician Council (Legislative and Judicial Branch) 🔗
Justician Council 🔗
The Justician Council is both the legislature and the judiciary of the local government. Its membership is divided into two houses: the Drafters and the Justices. Pieces of legislation may be proposed by either of the two houses, and are first deliberated separately. If a bill passes both houses, it is then sent to the Mayor for ratification. High profile cases where questions of law are complex are also tried and deliberated by the whole Council, usually with a designated Justice taking the lead.
Drafters 🔗
Drafters are an elected position from amongst the citizens of a municipality or a district within that municipality. These Drafters are tasked with proposing new legislature based on the needs of their constituents and specific mandates. They act as representatives of the people within the government unit.
Current Drafters as of 1275 AI are:
Justices 🔗
Justices are nominated and elected from a pool of judges and lawyers within the jurisdiction. They are tasked with managing the local court system and ruling upon matters of the law.
Current Justices as of 1275 AI are:
Locations 🔗
West Side 🔗
Le Cafe Camaraderie 🔗
Rainoso Town Hall 🔗
Hotel de Banard 🔗
Rainoso Port Authority 🔗
La Maison de L'écume 🔗
Mirian Trading Company Liaison Office 🔗
East Side 🔗
Organizations 🔗
Mirian Trading Company 🔗
Esprit de la Charcuterie 🔗
Location Type | |
town | |
Parent Location | |
Sanery | |
Apgarian Confederacy |