L' Illes Apgarie

    L'Illes Apgarie is an archipelago in the northwest corner of the Apgarian Confederacy. Administratively, the islands are part of the Sanery region, but due to the provisions of the Treaty of Turain, a large part of the area, especially those in the waters surrounding Raibon Island, are a demilitarized zone.

    History 🔗

    Pre-Silver Kingdom Period 🔗

    The islands were originally settled by the seafaring descendants of the Estregan people, which is reflected in the language spoken by many of its native inhabitants. The isolated community of cannibal in Moreaux Island in particular is referenced as proof of this, as their language preserves words and grammar that are close to Estregan dialects that have not been as influenced by Kalassarian as the rest of the region.

    Though the islands were nominally part of the Kalassarian Empire during its height, they did not seem to have invested much in the region, with the exception of present-day Raibon Island, which was documented to have been called Mauricia by Kalassarian administrative documents.

    The Fall of the Kalassarian Empire did not seem to have much impact on the islands, in fact the islands seem to have thrived. The administration from the Town of Hama have shielded the inhabitants of the islands from many of the effects and the conflicts that followed. They also encouraged trade in the region by offering protection and shelter to many mercantile fleets that plied the region from pirates and other threats.

    Silver Kingdom Period 🔗

    The destruction of the Town of Hama in 910 AI was shrouded in mystery. One of the major theories of its destruction is an extreme seismic event that occurred at the time, causing the bedrock to fracture and fall into the sea. The creation of many islets to the east of Raibon Island, called Hama's Tears led credence to this theory.

    Its destruction, however, and the loss of prominence of the White Witches that led it, opened the region up to the influence of the kingdoms of the Silver Kingdom Period of Apgar. The kingdoms of Anasai, Estrega and Sanery, at some point, have all claimed the islands, with the islands being held by Estrega after the First Anasaian-Estregan War.

    Estrega Period 🔗

    After the death of King Raibon II in 970 AI, the islands were renamed in his honor, with the Turbiere d'Hama renamed to the Turbiere d'Hubar, in honor of Raibon's elder brother, Prince Hubar, who as lost at sea.

    The islands were part of the Estregan Kingdom until the Third Apgarian Revolution, when the Apgarian Confederacy was formed, and the islands were placed under the administration of the province of Sanery.

    Pre-Turain Period 🔗

    The islands were difficult for the the Confederacy to administer right after its formation due to their underdeveloped Naval infrastructure. This meant that the Confederacy was unable to effectively enforce its authority over the islands, instead the islands were actually operated by organized crime syndicates that have formed during the various Apgarian revolutions.

    However, as the Apgarian Navy had gained in strength and capability, the island of Raibon, Sentimental and Rackospalma were subjugated and brought under the control of the Confederacy in the 1240s AI, just a few years before the Poasan-Apgarian Conflict started.

    Poasan-Apgarian Conflict 🔗

    Many of the clashes between the Confederacy and Senera, Poasah's biggest ally in the regions, were fought in the waters surrounding the islands. Raibon in particular saw many conflicts, with an attempt by Senera to colonize it.

    The attempt by Senera to take Raibon aligned the interests of the criminal organizations that thrived on the island with the Confederacy, who issued many of these groups with Letters of Marque that legitimized their actions. These organizations included the Bouillard, the Parvese and the Coutillie families. These groups were actually able to turn the tide of the western front of the conflict, as they were able to perform resupplies in areas that were besieged by joint Seneran-Poasan forces.

    The conflict ended in 1255 AI with the Treaty of Turain, which officially ceded the islands back to the Apgarian Confederacy, but under special terms during the armistice, and the terms of the treaty to follow.

    Post-Turain Period 🔗

    Due to the nature of the Treaty of Turain, the northernmost islands between Senera and the Apgarian Confederacy were demilitarized, and provided as a buffer between the two powers. Commercial activity in the region was allowed, and was administered nominally by Sanery, but in practice by a combination of elected local officials, and the criminal organizations that retained their power, especially because of this demilitarized status.

    However, recent events in 1275 is changing the balance of power in the region, as the reestablishment of the Hags of Hama and the return of the Town of Hama is raising questions about the future of the region.

    Parent Location
    Apgarian Confederacy
    Location Type