Khriss Mines

    The Khriss Mines refer to both the mines, and the settlement forme to house the miners that work them. Until recently, the area was relatively heavily settled due to the success of the mining operations in the area. However, an unknown catastrophe had killed all of its inhabitants.

    The mines and the settlement are supposed to be completely abandoned, however exploration by Goldilocks Westfall and her team discovered recent activity in the area by members of the Reformed Church of the Divine Masochist.

    Locations 🔗

    Their logs list the following locations within the settlement:

    Roc Nest 🔗

    About 300 ft above the settlement was a nest of gargantuan black birds. These birds didn't seem to be hostile, despite their menacing size and appearance, but seemed to have been guarding their hatchlings.

    Goldie and her group had intentionally provoked the birds in order to provide a distraction against the Reformists in the area.

    The Old Barn 🔗

    A dilapidated barn with large sturdy hardwood doors. It contained a large three-headed hound that was chained to the wall by the Reformists that took over the abandoned settlement.

    Ghoul Food Storage 🔗

    There were two large abandoned buildings in the settlement that had been used to house "food" for the ghouls. This food was apparently mind-addled people that were kidnapped by the Reformists in order to feed the ghouls that they used to patrol the area.

    The Mine Entrance 🔗

    The entrance to the mine was a large cave that were guarded by Reformists and their "pet" ghouls. Sirra Kita and Lavaland were able to explore the mine, but did not find anything.

    The Windmill 🔗

    An old windmill with a strong, shackled door. Where the blades of the windmill once spun, is now a gargantuan black-purple Orb of Enchancement.

    Abandoned Houses 🔗

    Abandoned homes of the miners that once lived in the settlement. When Lt. Westfall explored the area, they were repurposed as housing for Reformist spellcasters.

    Location Type
    Parent Location
    Mountains of Iron
    Northern Poasah
    Kingdom of Poasah