Apgarian Confederacy

    The Confederation of Apgarian States, or Apgar colloquially, is an association of states bound together by the Apgarian Articles of Confederation. The contiguous Apgarian mainland occupies the western-most portion of the Beteran continent. Historically, the various states that comprise Apgar were once part of the Hapgarian Region of the Kalassarian Empire. Due to the sheer size of the territories, and natural geographical boundaries, the regions have differentiated themselves politically, culturally, and linguistically, since the Fall or the Western Kalassarian Empire and gradually became separate Apgarian states.

    Most of these states transitioned into a feudal form of government, with the exceptions of Baraon and Parpelisse. Baraon formed a pseudo-state from a loose association of communes that have banded together in mutual defense against neighboring monarchists. Parpelisse on the other hand formed a proto-democratic state, where electors from the various guilds elected an executive council to run the territories.

    By the time of the Second Anasaian-Estregan War in the latter half of the 10th century AI, democractic, liberal and anarchist philosophies began to spread into the monarchist lands. A number of small-scale revolts modeled after the Baraonian Rebellion centuries prior started cropping up in some of the most authoritarian of regimes in the Apgarian region. It wasn't until the fifteen-year First Apgarian Revolution that started in 976 AI that the first kingdoms fell.

    History 🔗

    Prehistory 🔗

    Before the expansion of the Kalassarian Empire into the region, there are no known written records have been confirmed by current scholarship. Until very recently, remnants of pre-historic human settlements have been ransacked by adventurers, or destroyed to make way for new townships, instead of being preserved for further scholarly investigation.

    Based on what little has been preserved yielded some indications that there were a number of primitive human communities from as far back as 25,000 PF. Agrarian settlements have been discovered in present-day Mayonne that are currently thought to be from 10,000 PF.

    Recent discoveries of ruins thought to be from the mysterious Kurerans found in the Alsatian Mountains may soon uncover new information regarding pre-Kalassarian Apgar, but no firm scholarly conclusions have been made. It is hoped that these ruins may yield documentary evidence, as Kurerans, even as far back as 3000 PF recorded much about their surrounding cultures, as proven by some preliminary discoveries from some Mehicanian sites.

    Pre-Kalassarian Polities 🔗


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    There are a number of well-known pre-Kalassarian cultures, most of them formed the basis for some of the divisions of the Apgarian Kingdoms that rose following the Fall of the Western Empire. Ethnic groups such as the Estregans,the Anasaians, and the Garatonians were documented by the Kalassarain scribes during the early excursions into the region.

    The Estregans and Anasaians in particular, had city-states were established in regions outside the present-day provincial borders in which they are associated with today.

    Kalassarian Region of Hapgaria 🔗

    Fall of the Western Kalassarian Empire 🔗

    See  Fall of the Western Kalassarian Empire

    Baraonian Rebellion 🔗

    Tandoor-Carmarcian Raids 🔗

    Northern Hapgarian Isolation 🔗

    Seneran Isolation 🔗

    Rise of the Apgarian States 🔗

    Baraonian Community 🔗

    Parpelisse 🔗

    Sanery 🔗

    Anasai 🔗

    Estrega 🔗

    Mayonne 🔗

    Marmoranz 🔗

    Geron 🔗

    Marmoranz 🔗

    Sonima 🔗

    Inter-Apgarian Conflicts 🔗

    Anasaian-Estregan wars 🔗

    Sanerian War of the Divine Masochist 🔗

    Conflicts with Poasah 🔗

    Soniman Partition 🔗

    Apgarian Revolutions 🔗

    First Apgarian Revolution 🔗

    Second Apgarian Revolution 🔗

    Third Apgarian Revolution 🔗

    Unification 🔗

    Apgarian Revolutionary Association 🔗

    Articles of Confederation 🔗

    Baraonian Dissent 🔗

    The first to collapse was the Kingdom of Geron, which subdugated the Garatonian people, however, the Poasan military quickly captured the region causing the subsequent Garatonian Diaspora.

    Government 🔗

    Location Type