The Ahurian Empire

    The Ahurian Empire is a theocratic autocracy ruled by a lineage of god-princes, who are both the secular and temporal centers of their government. The country claims possession the entirety of the continent of Ralaka. and the Gizan Peninsula, as well as a huge portion of the eastern half ot the Mirian Peninsula.

    Geography 🔗

    Ahuria is one of the largest political entities in Thera. It is the only known entity with land holdings in all three continents, with eleven of its fourteen administrative regions, called Principalities, in Ralaka. The twelfth, Kolha, is in Southern Betera. The thirteenth and fourteenth are in the westernmost edge of Tarsa

    The Ahurian Mainland 🔗

    The Ahurian mainland stretches across almost the entirety of the Ralakan continent. The population is distributed across almost every region within the continent, with the exception of its south eastern reaches, which are barred by an impassable desert. Eleven of the fourteen administrative regions of Ahuria are within the Ahurian mainland. It is bordered to the north by the Posaran Sea, to the west by the Sarham Sea, and to the east by the Sea of Giza.

    The eleven Ahurian Principalities in the mainland are the following:

    • Sorha
    • Tunhi
    • Purhi
    • Katsi
    • Lansa
    • Lukso
    • Chosa
    • Tsikha
    • Chetsi
    • Yatsa
    • Piso

    The Principality of Sorha is the Ahurian capital region and seat of the King of Ahuria.

    Kolha 🔗


    Poasan administrative regions aren't completely defined as of yet. Portions of this document referencing the Poasan Dioceses aside from the Astow region of Northern Poasah are to be treated as incomplete.

    Kolha, Ahuria's twelfth administrative principality, is isolated from the rest of Ahuria, in the center of the Beteran Landmass. It is bounded to the north and west by the Central and Southern Poasan Dioceses, respectively. To the north east, it meets the Gulf of Eternal Dispute. To the south and east, Kolha shares borders with three of its former provinces. Sur and Kalamba to the east, and Ar to the south. These states are 3 of the 5 so-called Secessionist Principalities tnat have formed after the death of Kolha XVIII.

    Tarsan Possessions 🔗


    Burtian politics prior to the Fall of Bastion is yet to be expanded.

    Portions of this document referencing the City of Burtz and its sphere of control as the Eastern Kalassarian Empire, and their diplomatic situation should be considered incomplete.

    [Tarsa]{@/locations/} refers to the continent to the east of Betera, and is connected by the Isthmus of Bastion. On its eastern shore, the Ahurian possessions of Giza and Manascula can be found.

    Once countries in their own right of Giza and Manascula were client nations of the Burtian Empire before they were taken over by the Ahurians. Giza was the first large territorial acquisition taken by Ahuria after the semi-mythical days of the Great Ahuriyata.

    Giza, taken first, is bounded to the north by Manascula, to the west by the Posaran Sea, to the south by the Sea of Giza, and to the east by the Ya'naa Desert.

    Manascula, taken nearly half a century later, is bounded to the west by Burtz and the Calamutian Strait, the north and east by the Ogadian mountain range, and to the south by Giza.

    Sorha 🔗

    Sorha, the capital principality of Ahuria and seat of the Ansou Ahuriyata, god-king of all Ahuria, is northwestern-most region of Ahuria. The land is very resource rich, with mountain-ranges filled with gemstones and metal ores; forests filled with a variety of wildlife, and the Tears of the Gods, a gulf which is large and deep enough to be a good naval base of operations.

    The Hakamisayato, or the Palace on the Isle of the Gods is an island that houses the capital city of the empire. The entire palace complex was built on the northern foot of the Foot of the Sky, the sole mountain in the middle of the island.

    Tamisami River

    Tunhi 🔗

    Purha 🔗

    Katsi 🔗

    Lansa 🔗

    Lusko 🔗

    Chosa 🔗

    Tsikha 🔗

    Chetsi 🔗

    Yatsa 🔗

    Piso 🔗

    Kolha 🔗

    Kolha, one of the first lands conquered by the Ahurian Empire outside of the Ralakan Continent. The Great Ahoriyata himself, along with his youngest child had led the invasion force that took most of the South Central Kalassar, which encompasses that is now known as Southern Poasah, Kolha, Ar, Mir, Ralamba, Sarha, Sur and the Talamir Island.

    After the fall of the Kalassarian Empire, the Kolhan princes have capitalized on the chaos and had even sacked the City of Poasah itself. However, a coalition mobilized by the Emperor in Bastion, had driven the Ahurian forces back, settling close to Kolha's modern border with the Kingdom of Poasah.

    After the death of Kolha XVIII, god-prince of Kolha Ahuria, a coalition formed by his children refused to accept a new prince from the mainland. They were convinced that one from the mainland could never truly understand the different socio-political situation in the Kolhan lands, and their proximity to their erstwhile foes.

    Kolha XVIII's seven children commissioned a grand fleet to form a blockade on the Mirian shore to prevent the arrival of the newly ordained Kolha XIX. Mainland Ahurian generals, however, found a solution by sending a fleet of privateer ships with a mix of Ahurian soldiers deployed from Manascula. and a mercenary force from Tanduaria and Nura.

    After 20 years of civil war, Kolha XIX was able to keep most of the northern territory when he brokered a truce. Two of Kolha XVIII's children died during the wars, but the remaining five portioned of the southern territories for themselves, and formed individual states: Ar, Kalamba, Mir, Sarha and Sur.

    The Mirian Islands were also taken by Ahuria, but due to its distance to Kolha, administration of the islands was given to the governor of Giza, a position most recently granted to the 13th ranking Ansa.

    Culture 🔗

    The Ahurians observe a rigid social structure with defined social roles.

    Location Type