Early Hick Lexicon
Early Hick Lexicon
The Early Hick lexicon, as attested, consists of mostly noun forms. These nouns can represent a wide range of meanings, including actions, properties, or relationships, which are traditionally the domain of verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in other languages.
For grammatical information and language overview, see Early Hick.
Historical Sound Changes
For Proto-Hick vowel harmony and its development into Early Hick, see: Proto-Hick Phonological Processes
For stress-related vowel changes, see: Vowel Allophony
Usage Notes
- Cross-references are marked with →
- Etymologies are shown in parentheses
- Compound derivations are marked with <
- Example sentences show full morphological analysis
Action Terms
Basic Actions
- 'ir [ʔir] "movement, motion; action" < Proto-Hick *heru → 'ir (initial fricative change, final vowel loss) Note: Source of verbalizer suffix -'er through grammaticalization. Forms basic verb 'ir'er "to do"
- tag'er [tag.ʔer] "to make, to craft" < tag-'er "hand-VERB" → tag'er (compound fusion) Note: Shows concrete development from manual action to general creation. Contrasts with abstract 'ir'er "to do". See: Body Parts
Physical Actions
- tak [tak] "strike, impact" < Proto-Hick *taku → tak (final vowel loss) Note: Onomatopoeic origin
Action Terms
Physical Actions
- tak [tak] "strike, impact" < Proto-Hick *taku → tak (final vowel loss) Note: Onomatopoeic origin
- krak'er [krak.ʔer] "to bite" < krak-'er "tooth-VERB" → krak'er (verbalizer suffix)
Perceptual Actions
- thren [θren] "watch, observe" < Proto-Hick *threnu → thren (final vowel loss) Note: Basic perception verb
- hilis [hi.lis] "sight, active vision" < Proto-Hick *hilisu → hilis
(final vowel loss)
Note: Forms two contrasting verbs:
- hilis'er "to look" (active/intentional seeing)
- his'er "to see" (passive/unintentional perception)
- pir'er [pir.ʔer] "to listen" < pir-'er "ear-VERB" → pir'er (compound fusion) Note: Active perception verb. See: Body Parts
- pirlas'er [pir.las.ʔer] "to hear" < pir-las-'er "ear-ILL-VERB" → pirlas'er (compound fusion) Note: Passive perception verb using illative to mark reception of sound. Contrasts with active pir'er "listen". See: Body Parts
- kar'er [kar.ʔer] "to smell" < kar-'er "nose-VERB" → kar'er (verbalizer suffix)
Motion Actions
'ir [ʔir] "movement, motion;action" < Proto-Hick *heru → 'ir (initial fricative change, final vowel loss) Note: Source of verbalizer suffix -'er through grammaticalization
'irur [ʔi.rur] "repetition, again" < Proto-Hick *heru-heru → 'irur (initial fricative change, compound reduction) Note: From reduplicated form of *heru "action". Forms grammaticalized iterative marker -rur/-ur through phonological reduction
sinas [si.nas] "play; drift, passage" < Proto-Hick *senu-asa-u → sinas (final vowel loss, compound fusion) Note: From *senu "float" + *asa (PERL) + *u (NOM), literally "floating through"
- Primary meaning: "play", connected to free movement
- Secondary meaning: "drift", related to play
barak [ba.rak] "walking, gait" < Proto-Hick *baraku → barak (final vowel loss) Note: Forms verb barak'er "to walk" with -'er suffix
mabarak [ma.ba.rak] "march, collective walking" < ma-barak → mabarak (compound fusion) Note: From plural marker + "walk", forms verb mabarak'er "to march". See also barak "walk"
sin [sin] "floating" < Proto-Hick *senu → sin (final vowel loss) Note: Forms verb sin'er "to float". See also Maritime Terms
dak [dak] "snake" < Proto-Hick *daluku → dak (medial liquid loss, vowel reduction) Note: From root meaning "slither", forms verb dak'er "to slither"
norath [no.raθ] "to ride (a mount)" < Eldrim nortʰa "to make run" → norath (borrowed term) Note: Early borrowing from Eldrim, shows cultural contact predating widespread horse domestication. See: Animal Terms, Motion Actions
trask'er [tras.kʔer] "to run" < trask-'er "leg-VERB" → trask'er (verbalizer suffix) Note: Shows typical body part → action semantic extension. Forms common compounds: istrask'er "run out", lastrask'er "run in". See: Motion Actions, Body Parts
Bodily/Life Actions
- vinuimris [vi.nu.im.ris] "to give birth" < vinu + imris (ELL) → vinuimris (case lexicalization)
- venuiter [ve.nu.i.ter] "to give birth" < venu-iter "burden-ELL.DIAL" (dialectal case) Note: Inland dialect form preserved in formal greetings, showing retention of older forms away from maritime influence Note: Sacred term for childbirth
- murvinuiter [mur.vi.nu.i.ter] "to abort" < mur + vinuiter → murvinuiter (compound fusion) Note: Literally "from night-birth"
Consumption Actions
- gras [gras] "grass" < Proto-Hick *grasu → gras (final vowel loss) Note: Forms verb gras'er "to graze", typically of animals feeding
- ter [ter] "flow, fluid motion" < Proto-Hick *teru → ter (final vowel loss) Note: Forms verb ter'er "to drink". Flow meanings use directional affixes instead
- sinibel [si.ni.bel] "taste" < sin-ibel "float-tongue" → sinibel (compound fusion) Note: Shows metaphorical extension of floating motion to sensory perception See: Taste Terms, Body Parts
Position/Stance Actions
- 'irek [ʔi.rek] "stand; firmness" < Proto-Hick *hi-reku → 'irek (initial fricative change) Note: Shows archaic animacy prefix, forms verb 'irek'er "to stand"
- asamitar [a.sa.mi.tar] "to sit, rest upon" < asam-itar "rest-SUPER" → asamitar (case lexicalization) Note: From asam "rest, resting place" with superessive case, literally "rest upon". Shows common pattern of case suffixes becoming lexicalized into verbs. See: Position/Stance Actions, Basic Terms
- asamasam [a.sa.ma.sam] "to lie down" < asam-asam "rest-SUBE" → asamasam (case lexicalization) Note: From asam "rest" with subessive case -asam, literally "rest downward". Shows parallel formation to asamitar "sit". See: Position/Stance Actions
Magical/Sacred Actions
- kul'er [kul.ʔer] "to perform magic" < kul + -'er → kul'er (verbalizer suffix) Note: Used in ritual contexts
Emotional/Mental Actions
- sibris [si.bris] "infatuation, first love" < Proto-Hick *silu-hibrisu → sibris (compound fusion) Note: From "skin-fire", metaphorical extension to passionate but potentially fleeting emotion. Contrasts with meris "enduring love". See: Abstract Concepts
- meris [me.ris] "romantic love" < Proto-Hick *meru-risu → meris (compound fusion) Note: From "heart-towards", metaphorical extension to deep, lasting emotional bond. Shows archaic lative case usage. See: Abstract Concepts, Case System
- gnater [gna.ter] "desire" < gnar-ter "correct-flow" → gnater (compound fusion) Note: Forms grammaticalized desiderative suffix -nat through phonological reduction See: Basic Terms, Grammatical Terms
- 'ilis [ʔi.lis] "knowledge" < dialectal borrowing with animacy prefix Note: Borrowed alongside hilis, shows stative/abstract development of perception root. See: Perception Terms Forms agent noun 'ilisok "teacher"
- 'ilisimris'er [ʔi.li.sim.ris.ʔer] "to teach" < 'ilis-imris "knowledge-ELL" → 'ilisimris'er (case lexicalization) Note: Literally "to cause knowledge to go out from", showing productive use of ellative for causative meanings. Forms agent noun 'ilisimrisok "teacher"
- imlis [im.lis] "fear, dread" < im-lis "evil-see" → imlis (compound fusion) Note: Shows semantic development from "seeing evil" to general fear. Forms verb imlis'er "to fear". Contrasts with hilis "sight" and 'ilis "knowledge". See: Emotional Terms, Perception Terms
- imasam [i.ma.sam] "to cower, hide from fear" < im-asam "evil-rest" → imasam (compound fusion) Note: Shows metaphorical extension of "resting under" to fearful hiding. Forms agent noun imasamok "coward". See: Emotional Terms, Position Terms
- imlisrur [im.lis.rur] "anxiety, constant fear" < imlis-rur "fear-ITER" → imlisrur (iterative suffix) Note: Shows semantic extension of iterative aspect to ongoing mental state. Forms verb imlisrur'er "to be anxious". Contrasts with acute imlis "fear". See: Mental States, Emotional Terms
- imlis'er [im.li.sʔer] "to flee, run from fear" < imlis-'er "fear-VERB" → imlis'er (verbalizer suffix) Note: Shows natural development from fear to flight response. Contrasts with trask'er "run (neutral)". See: Motion Verbs
- imlisitar [im.li.si.tar] "to flinch, startle" < imlis-itar "fear-SUPE" → imlisitar (case lexicalization) Note: Uses superlative case to indicate sudden upward movement from fear. See: Motion Verbs, Body Actions
Construction/Dwelling Actions
- vinud [vi.nud] "building, dwelling" < Proto-Hick *venu-wudu → vinud (compound fusion) Note: From 'burden' + 'wood', forms verb vinud'er "to build, to dwell"
Tool/Craft Actions
- ar [ar] "cut, cutting action" < Proto-Hick *xaru → ar (initial fricative loss, final vowel loss) Note: Forms verb ar'er "to cut"
- arum [a.rum] "sketch; draw" < Proto-Hick *xaru-uma → arum (initial fricative loss, compound fusion) Note: From "cut" with archaic allative case, showing semantic extension from physical cutting to artistic marking
- 'irur [ʔi.rur] "hollow" < Proto-Hick *heru-lumuru → 'irur (compound fusion) Note: Derived from "act of emptying," reflecting the concept of hollowness.
- 'ihir [ʔi.hir] "to mine (for ore)" < Proto-Hick *heru lu xiru → 'ihir (compound fusion) Note: Literally "move through ore", shows development of specialized mining terminology
Core Semantic Fields
Basic Terms
Basic Terms
- haran [ha.ran] "split, divide" < Proto-Hick *haranu → haran (final vowel loss, stress shift) See: Proto-Hick Phonological Processes
- ward [ward] "direct, guide" < Proto-Hick *wardu → ward (final vowel loss) See: Sacred Terms
- tak [tak] "strike, impact; right (direction)" < Proto-Hick *taku → tak (final vowel loss) Note: Onomatopoeic origin; directional sense from cultural association with dominant striking hand See: Directional Terms
- stor [stor] "grow; add, increment" < Proto-Hick *storu → stor (final vowel loss) Note: Mathematical sense developed from basic meaning "grow" See: Sacred Terms
- 'imer [ʔi.mer] "life" < Proto-Hick *hi-mer → 'imer (animacy prefix) See: Spirit Terms
- temer [te.mer] "death" < Proto-Hick *telu-himeru → temer (compound reduction) Note: Literally "end of life" See: Spirit Terms, Sacred Terms
- istor [is.tor] "growth (living)" < Proto-Hick *hi-storu → istor (initial sibilant loss, final vowel loss) See: Sacred Terms
- gnar [gnar] "correct" < Proto-Hick *gnaru → gnar (final vowel loss) See: Sacred Terms
- etil [e.til] "thing" < Proto-Hick *etilu → etil (final vowel loss) See: Basic Terms
- 'etil [ʔe.til] "living thing" < Proto-Hick *hi-etilu → 'etil (animacy prefix) Note: Shows animacy marking through glottal prefix See: Spirit Terms, Sacred Terms
- 'il [ʔil] "good, kind" < Proto-Hick *hi-halu → 'il (initial fricative change, vowel coalescence) Note: Shows archaic animacy marking through glottal prefix See: Sacred Terms, Basic Terms
- ven [ven] "yoke, burden" < Proto-Hick *venu → ven (final vowel loss) See: Basic Terms, Tool Terms
- vin [vin] "pregnancy" < Proto-Hick *venu "yoke" → vinu (compound reduction) Inland dialects use vinused < *venu-sedu "burden-seed" See: Body Parts, Sacred Terms Note: From "burden-seed"; shows vowel harmony in compound reduction See: Body Parts, Sacred Terms
- pak [pak] "poke" < Proto-Hick *paku → pak (final vowel loss) See: Tool Terms
- asam [a.səm] "rest, resting place" < PH *xasamu Note: Shows regular voiced glottal fricative loss. Source of subessive case marker -asam "under, beneath" through metaphorical extension of "resting place" See: Body Parts for compound vinusam "shoulder"
- wes [wes] "cover, enclose" < Proto-Hick *wesu → wes
(final vowel loss)
Note: Basic term for enclosure/covering. Forms compounds for containers
- wes'er "to cover, enclose" (with verbalizer -'er)
- kawes "enclosed" (with adjectival ka-)
Basic Properties
- kator [ka.tor] "massive, heavy" < ka-tor "peak-like" → kator (compound fusion) Note: Shows metaphorical extension from height to mass/weight. See: Basic Properties, Landforms
- kali [ka.li] "light, small" < ka-li "small-like" → kali (compound fusion) Note: Shows reanalysis of diminutive prefix as independent root. See: Basic Properties, Augmentative/Diminutive
Derived Terms
- ven'er [ven.ʔer] "to carry" < ven-'er "yoke-VERB" → ven'er (verbalizer suffix)
- venitar [ve.ni.tar] "to lift" < ven-itar "yoke-SUPER" → venitar (superessive case) Note: Lexicalized from superessive case of "yoke" See: Verbal Terms
- venuiter [vi.nu.i.ter] "to give birth" < venu-itar "pregnancy-ELL" → venuiter (ellative case) Note: Lexicalized from ellative case of "pregnancy" See: Verbal Terms, Sacred Terms // ... existing code ...
- kabrast [ka.brast] "skilled with hands" < ka-brast "like-dominant.arm" → kabrast (compound fusion) Note: Specifically for craft skills requiring hand coordination; does not extend to martial or athletic dexterity. See: Body Parts
- brastok [bras.tok] "craftsman" < brast-ok "dominant.arm-AGENT" → brastok (compound fusion) Note: General term for skilled artisans. Shows cultural link between dominant hand and craft skills. See: Body Parts
- asamitar [a.sa.mi.tar] "to sit, rest upon" < asam-itar "rest-SUPER" → asamitar (case lexicalization) Note: From asam "rest, resting place" with superessive case, literally "rest upon". Shows common pattern of case suffixes becoming lexicalized into verbs. See: Position/Stance Actions, Basic Terms
- litil [li.til] "small thing" < li-etil "DIM-thing" → litil (compound fusion) Note: Shows productive use of diminutive prefix with basic noun. See: Basic Terms, Augmentative/Diminutive
- ru [ru] "and" < Proto-Hick *storu → ru Note: Grammaticalized from "grow" sense through semantic bleaching See: Basic Terms
Derived Terms
- takutak [ˈta.ku.tək] "rhythm" < Proto-Hick *takutaku → takutak (final vowel loss) Note: Preserves onomatopoeic reduplication
Basic Forms
- 'aka [ʔa.ka] "what" < Proto-Hick *haka → 'aka (initial fricative change) Note: Basic question root, shows archaic animacy marking
Proximal Forms
- 'alis [ʔa.lis] < 'aka-'al-is "who" (what-person-PROX.ANIM) Note: Used for visible/known referents and confirmation
- 'atal [ʔa.tal] < 'aka-tal-is "where" (what-place-PROX.INAN)
- 'atel [ʔa.tel] < 'aka-tel-is "when" (what-time-PROX.INAN)
- 'aker [ʔa.ker] < 'aka-'er-is "how" (what-VERB-PROX.INAN)
Medial Forms
- 'aleth [ʔa.leθ] < 'aka-'al-eth "who" (sensed person) Note: Used for heard/sensed but not seen referents
- 'ateth [ʔa.teθ] < 'aka-tal-eth "where" (sensed location)
- 'ateleth [ʔe.te.leθ] < 'aka-tel-eth "when" (sensed time)
- 'akereth [ʔa.ke.reθ] < 'aka-'er-eth "how" (sensed manner)
Distal Forms
- 'alum [ʔa.lum] < 'aka-'al-um "who" (unknown person) Note: Default form for seeking new information
- 'atum [ʔa.tum] < 'aka-tal-um "where" (unknown location)
- 'atelum [ʔe.te.lum] < 'aka-tel-um "when" (unknown time)
- 'akerum [ʔa.ke.rum] < 'aka-'er-um "how" (unknown manner)
Abstract Concepts
Moral & Ethical Terms
- thil [θil] "virtue, moral" < Proto-Hick *halu → thil (initial fricative change) Note: Abstract sense developed from basic meaning See: Sacred Terms, Abstract Concepts
- thid [θid] "truth" < Proto-Hick *hawadu "sacred way" → thid (initial fricativization, medial glide loss) Note: Shows semantic development from "sacred path" to abstract "truth"
- imurud [i.mu.rud] "falsehood" < imur-wudu "evil-path" → imurud (compound fusion) Note: Shows semantic extension from physical to abstract meaning. See: Sacred Terms, Abstract Concepts
- im'ir [im.ʔir] "ill intent, malice" < im-'ir "evil-action" → im'ir (compound fusion) Note: Shows metaphorical extension of negative prefix with action root. See: Sacred Terms, Abstract Concepts
Logical Terms
- 'irek [ʔi.rek] "stand; firmness; truth" < Proto-Hick *hi-reku → 'irek (initial fricative change) Note: Shows archaic animacy prefix. Semantic extension from physical firmness to abstract truth. See: Sacred Terms, Abstract Concepts
- 'it [ʔit] "knot (in wood); falsehood" < Proto-Hick *xitu → 'it (initial fricative loss, final vowel loss) Note: Primary meaning refers to natural knots in wood/lumber. Abstract meaning "falsehood" derives from concept of deviation in wood grain. See: Construction Terms, Abstract Concepts
Vision & Perception
- mulis [mu.lis] "dream, vision" < Proto-Hick *muruhilisu → mulis See: Bodily Functions, Sacred Terms
- mulisthral [mu.lis.θral] "prophetic dream" < mulis-thral → mulisthral (compound fusion, maintains second element due to sacred term)
- mulisim [mu.li.sim] "nightmare" < mulis-im → mulisim (compound fusion)
Emotional Terms
- sibris [si.bris] "love" < Proto-Hick *hibrisu "fire" → sibris (initial fricative change) Note: Metaphorical extension from "fire" to "passion/love" See: Sacred Terms, Abstract Concepts
- dakisa [da.ki.sa] "infatuation" < Proto-Hick *daluku-isa-hihasa → dakisa (liquid deletion) (compound reduction) Note: Literally "snake in the gut"; metaphorical extension for intense desire See: Body Parts, Sacred Terms
Sensory Terms
Visual Perception
- lis [lis] "eye" < Proto-Hick *lisu → lis (final vowel loss) See: Body Parts, Sacred Terms
- his [his] "see" < reintroduced Proto-Hick *hisu "visible/in sight" Note: Reintroduced to maintain distinction from demonstrative -is See: Sacred Terms
- 'ilis [ʔi.lis] "knowledge" < PH *lisu dialectal borrowing with animacy prefix Note: Borrowed alongside hilis, shows stative/abstract development of perception root Note: From root meaning 'sight', forms verb 'ilis'er "to know"
- mulis [mu.lis] "dream, vision" < Proto-Hick *muruhilisu → mulis (compound reduction) See: Sacred Terms, Abstract Concepts
Auditory Perception
- kamer [ka.mer] "bird-like sound" < ka-mer "like-bird" → kamer (compound fusion)
- kasak [ka.sak] "wolf-like howl" < ka-sak "like-wolf" → kasak (compound fusion)
Physical Sensation
- thir [θir] "air, wind" < Proto-Hick *haru → thir
(final vowel loss)
See: Natural World, Colors - mir [mir] "cold" < Proto-Hick *miru → mir (final vowel loss)
Sound Terms
tak [tak] "strike, impact; sound" < Proto-Hick *taku → tak (final vowel loss) Note: Onomatopoeic origin. See: Physical Actions
takutak [ˈta.ku.tək] "rhythm" < Proto-Hick *takutaku → takutak (final vowel loss) Note: Preserves onomatopoeic reduplication. See: Derived Terms
takimer [ˈta.ki.mɛr] "echo; sound spirit" < taku "rhythm" + imer "spirit" → takimer (compound fusion) Note: Reflects early animistic understanding of sound phenomena. See: Spirit Terms
Vision & Perception Terms
Basic Terms
- lis [lis] "eye" < Proto-Hick *lisu → lis (final vowel loss) See: Body Parts, Sacred Terms
- his [his] "sight" < Proto-Hick *hi-lisu → his (liquid deletion, vowel coalescence) See: Sacred Terms
- mulis [mu.lis] "dream, vision" < Proto-Hick *muruhilisu → mulis (compound reduction) See: Sacred Terms
Derived Terms
- his-ʔer [his.ʔer] "to see" < his-ʔer "sight-ACT" → hisʔer (verbalizer)
Taste Terms
Basic Tastes
- mel [mel] "sweet" < Proto-Hick *melu → mel (final vowel loss) Note: Associated with ripeness and edibility
- kras [kras] "bitter" < Proto-Hick *krasu → kras (final vowel loss) Note: Used for both taste and metaphorical bitterness
- kaketh [ka.keθ] "salty" < ka-keth "sea-like" → kaketh (compound fusion) Note: Literally "sea-like", shows maritime influence on taste terminology See: Maritime Terms, Water Features
- tir [tir] "sour; wince" < Proto-Hick *tilmuru → tilru → tiru → tir (liquid deletion) (compound reduction) (final vowel loss) Note: Shows semantic connection between taste sensation and facial response
Derived Terms
- melter [mel.ter] "honey" < mel-ter "sweet-alow" → melter (compound fusion) Note: Literally "sweet flow", primary sweetener in Early Hick culture
- krasim [kra.sim] "poison" < kras-im "bitter-evil" → krasim (compound fusion) Note: Shows connection between bitter taste and danger
- kakethmal [ka.keθ.mal] "brine pool" < kaketh-mal "salty-pool" → kakethmal (compound fusion) See: Water Features
Intensity Terms
- tormel [tor.mel] "very sweet" < tor-mel "great-sweet" → tormel (compound fusion)
- limel [li.mel] "slightly sweet" < li-mel "small-sweet" → limel (compound fusion)
Usage Examples
- mel-'er [mel.ʔer] "to sweeten" < mel-'er "sweet-VERB" → mel'er (verbalizer suffix)
- kras-'er [kras.ʔer] "to embitter" < kras-'er "bitter-VERB" → kras'er (verbalizer suffix)
- tir'er [tir.ʔer] "to wince; fermentation" < tir-'er "sour/wince-VERB" → tir'er (verbalizer suffix) Note: Shows connection between taste sensation and involuntary response, as well as the process of fermentation. See: Taste Terms, Bodily Functions, Process Terms
Food & Consumption Terms
Basic Terms
- du [du] "meat" < Proto-Hick *duha → du (final vowel loss) Note: Basic term for animal flesh as food. Forms compounds with other food terms See: Body Parts for muscle/flesh meanings
- duwes [du.wes] "food, nourishment" < Proto-Hick *duha-wesu → duwes
(compound fusion, vowel loss)
Note: From *duha-wesu "meat-cover", showing development:
- Compound: *duha-wesu "meat-cover"
- Fusion: *duhawesu > *duwesu
- Final: duwes with extended meaning "food" Forms verb duwes'er "to eat" Examples:
- duwes'er "to eat" (with verbalizer -'er)
- duwesimris "from food, because of food" (with ellative case)
- kaduwes "edible" (with adjectival ka-)
- mil [mil] "tallow, animal fat" < PH melu "liquid" Note: Shows semantic narrowing from general liquid to specifically rendered animal fat used in food preparation and preservation See: Body Parts
Drink Terms
- tirai [ti.rai] ", fermented drink" < tir-ai "sour-water" → tirai (compound fusion) Note: Shows cultural knowledge of fermentation process See: Taste Terms
- melterai [mel.te.rai] "mead" < melter-ai "honey-water" → melterai (compound fusion) Note: Fermented honey drink See: Food Terms
Preparation Terms
- milai [mi.lai] "rendered fat, oil" < mil-ai "fat-water" Note: Shows parallel formation with tirai "fermented drink"
- kirmil [kir.mil] "chest/organ fat" < kir-mil "chest-fat" Note: Prized internal fat used in cooking and preservation
- palmil [pal.mil] "belly fat" < pal-mil "belly-fat" Note: Distinct type of fat used in specific food preparations
- sulmil [sul.mil] "liver fat" < sul-mil "liver-fat" Note: Highly valued fat deposit, often preserved for medicinal or ritual use
Derived Compounds
- milai [mi.lai] "rendered fat, oil" < mil-ai "fat-water" Note: Shows parallel formation with tirai "fermented drink"
- terok [te.rok] "drinker; drunkard" < ter-ok "flow-AGENT" → terok (agentive suffix) Note: One who drinks (professionally or habitually)
- duwesok [du.we.sok] "eater, consumer" < duwes-ok "eat-AGENT" → duwesok (agentive marking)
- torduwes [tor.du.wes] "feast, great eating" < tor-duwes "great-eat" → torduwes (compound fusion)
- duwester [du.wes.ter] "meal time" < duwes-ter "eat-flow" → duwester (compound fusion)
- duwesthral [du.wes.θral] "ritual feast" < duwes-thral "eat-sacred" → duwesthral (compound fusion)
- duwesimris [du.we.sim.ris] "feed" < duwes-imris "food-ELL" → duwesimris (case lexicalization) Note: Derived from "duwes" (food) with the ellative case, indicating the act of providing food.
- murduwes [mur.du.wes] "leftovers" < mur-duwes "night-eat" → murduwes (compound fusion) Note: Refers to food set aside for fermentation or preservation, metaphorically described as "night-eat," reflecting the practice of using surplus for future consumption.
- kaduwes [ka.du.wes] "edible" < ka-duwes "like-food" → kaduwes (similarity prefix) Note: General term for anything that can be eaten. Shows productive use of ka- prefix for potential/capability
- tir'er [tir.ʔer] "to wince; fermentation" < tir-'er "sour/wince-VERB" → tir'er (verbalizer suffix) Note: Shows connection between taste sensation and involuntary response, as well as the process of fermentation. See: Taste Terms, Bodily Functions, Process Terms
Natural World
- ai [ai] "water" < Proto-Hick *ahi → ai (vowel sequences) See: Maritime Terms, Water Features
- gral [gral] "earth, soil" < Proto-Hick *gralu → gral (final vowel loss) See: Landscape Terms
- kel [kel] "sky" < Proto-Hick *kelu → kel (final vowel loss) See: Time Terms, Colors
- thir [θir] "air, wind" < Proto-Hick *thiru → thir (final vowel loss) See: Colors
- al [al] "natural rock" < Proto-Hick *xalu → halu → al (initial fricative loss)
- gar [gar] "stone, hardness" < Proto-Hick *garu → gar (final vowel loss) Note: Basic term for stone extends to abstract hardness. Forms gal "man" through metaphorical extension ("hard person"). See: Landscape Terms, Person Terms
- gral [gral] "earth, soil" < Proto-Hick *gralu → gral ([final vowel loss])
- bris [bris] "heat" < Proto-Hick *brisu → bris (final vowel loss) Note: Basic term for heat/warmth. See: Elements
Derived Terms
- 'ibris [ʔi.bris] "fire" < Proto-Hick *hi-brisu → 'ibris (animacy prefix) Note: Shows archaic animacy marking through glottal prefix, reflecting cultural view of fire as animate force. See: Sacred Terms, Elements
- kagar [ka.gar] "hard" < ka-gar "stone-like" → kagar (compound fusion) Note: Adjectival form using productive ka- prefix. See: Material Terms
Water Features
- keth [keθ] "sea" < Proto-Hick *keθu → keθ (final vowel loss) See: Maritime Terms
- mal [mal] "pool, standing water" < Proto-Hick *malu → mal (final vowel loss) See: Maritime Terms
- ran [ran] "stream, flowing water" < Proto-Hick *ranu → ran (final vowel loss)
- toran [to.ran] "river, flowing water" < Proto-Hick *ranu → ran (final vowel loss)
- tor [tor] "height, peak" < Proto-Hick *toru → tor (final vowel loss) See: Augmentative Prefix
- thrantor [θran.tor] "mountain range" < thran-tor "thousand peaks" → thrantor (compound fusion)
- val [val] "valley, water-cut lowland" < Proto-Hick *valu → val (final vowel loss)
- nagral [na.gral] "black earth" < nal-gral "black-earth" → nagral (liquid deletion)
- thragral [θra.gral] "sacred earth" < thral-gral "sacred-earth" → thragral (liquid deletion) See: Garden Terms
- kirtor [kir.tor] "cliff face" < kir-tor "chest-height" → kirtor (compound fusion)
- dortor [dor.tor] "back slope" < dor-tor "back-height" → dortor (compound fusion)
- palmal [pal.mal] "deep pool" < pal-mal "belly-pool" → palmal (compound fusion)
- thalgral [θal.gral] "hillside" < thal-gral "side-earth" → thalgral (compound fusion)
- grasgral [gras.gral] "meadow, grassland" < gras-gral "grass-earth" → grasgral (compound fusion) Note: Shows productive compound formation pattern of flora + landform. See: Flora & Agriculture, Agricultural Terms
- aitar [ai.tar] "rain" < ai-tar "water-fall" → aitar (compound fusion)
- bramis [bra.mis] "sea mist, coastal fog" < bram-mis "tide-mist" → bramis (nasal deletion)
- miraitar [mi.rai.tar] "cold rain" < mir-aitar "cold-rain" → miraitar (compound fusion)
Flora & Agriculture
Basic Plant Terms
- ris [ris] "reed" < Proto-Hick *risu → ris (final vowel loss)
- wud [wud] "wood, tree" < Proto-Hick *wudu → wud (final vowel loss)
- gras [gras] "grass" < Proto-Hick *grasu → gras (final vowel loss)
- sed [sed] "seed" < Proto-Hick *sedu → sed (final vowel loss)
- sar [sar] "leaf" < Proto-Hick *saru → sar (final vowel loss) Note: Also means "green" from leaf association
- bran [bran] "branch" < Proto-Hick *bahu lu-haranu → bran (lit. "split from father") (compound fusion) (liquid deletion) Note: Preserved compound with ablative lu- marking
- wen [wen] "flower" < Proto-Hick *venu -> wenu → wen (final vowel loss)
- asa [a.sa] "vine" < Proto-Hick *hasa → asa (initial fricative loss) See: Flora & Agriculture
- branlis [bran.lis] "tree berries; fruit" < bran-lis "branch-child" → branlis (compound fusion) Note: Metaphorical extension of "child" to "berries" and "fruit," reflecting cultural view of trees as nurturing figures.
- 'irurlis [ʔi.rur.lis] "gourd; container" < 'irur-lis "hollow-fruit" → 'irurlis (compound fusion) Note: Combines the concepts of hollowness and fruit, reflecting the physical characteristics of gourds.
- saresp [sa.resp] "sprout" < sar-esp "leaf-under" → saresp (compound fusion) Note: Metaphorical extension of hidden leaf beneath; reflects cultural view of growth as emergence from concealment. Forms verb saresp'er "to sprout" See: Flora & Agriculture
Cultivated Plants
- grased [ˈgra.sed] "grain" < gras-sed "grass-seed" → grased (compound fusion)
- malris [ˈmal.ris] "water reed" < mal-ris "pool-reed" → malris (compound fusion)
- ranris [ˈran.ris] "river reed" < ran-ris "stream-reed" → ranris (compound fusion)
- thirwud [ˈθir.wud] "white wood" < thir-wud "white-wood" → thirwud (compound fusion)
- marwud [mar.wud] "red wood" < mar-wud "red-wood" → marwud (compound fusion)
Agricultural Terms
- sedgral [sed.gral] "field" < sed-gral "seed-earth" → sedgral (compound fusion)
- sedter [sed.ter] "planting time" < sed-ter "seed-flow" → sedter (compound fusion)
- granmal [gran.mal] "grain storage" < gran-mal "grain-pool" → granmal (compound fusion)
- sedok [se.dok] "planter, farmer" < sed-ok "seed-AGENT" → sedok (compound fusion)
- graswad [gras.wad] "pasture path" < gras-wad "grass-path" → graswad (compound fusion)
Garden Terms
- thragral [θra.gral] "garden" < thral-gral "sacred-earth" → thragral (liquid deletion) See: Landforms Note: The dual meaning reflects the sacred nature of cultivated land in Hick culture, where gardens were seen as sanctified spaces
- kelwud [kel.wud] "orchard" < kel-wud "leaf-wood" → kelwud (compound fusion)
- riswad [ris.wad] "garden path" < ris-wad "reed-path" → riswad (compound fusion)
- sedthral [sed.θral] "planting day" < sed-thral "seed-sacred" → sedthral (compound fusion)
Horticulture Terms
- wudgral [wud.gral] "orchard" < wud-thragral "wood-garden" → compound simplification → wudgral (compound fusion) Note: Shows connection between sacred garden and orchard
Derived Terms
- kabran [ka.bran] "crooked, leaning" < ka-bran "branch-like" → kabran (compound fusion) Note: From metaphorical extension of branch growth patterns. Forms common expression kabran 'irek'er "to lean" (lit. "stand crookedly"). See: Position/Stance Actions
Sacred & Ritual
Basic Terms
thral [θral] "day; sacred, ritual" < Proto-Hick *thralu → thral (final vowel loss) Note: Resists vowel reduction in compounds See: Time Terms
thren [θren] "watch, observe (ritual)" < Proto-Hick *threnu → thren (final vowel loss) Note: Maintains [e] in unstressed positions
wad [wad] "path, way" < Proto-Hick *wadu → wad (final vowel loss) See: Maritime Terms
ward [ward] "direct, guide" < Proto-Hick *wardu → ward (final vowel loss) See: Maritime Terms
thimer [θi.mer] "spiritual nurturing" < Proto-Hick *ha-meru → thimer (vowel reduction, stress shift)
See: Bird Terms, Kinship Terms Note: Preserves original nurturing sense in sacred context
mer [mer] "bird; parent" < Proto-Hick *meru "nurture, bird" → mer (final vowel loss) Note: Dual meaning reflects cultural connection between birds and parenting See: Bird Terms, Kinship Terms
imthral [im.θral] "evil deity" < im-thral "evil-sacred" → imthral (compound fusion, maintains second element due to sacred term) See: Sacred Terms
imurthral [i.mur.θral] "cursed day/time" < imur-thral "evil.force-sacred" → imurthral (compound fusion, maintains second element due to sacred term) See: Time Terms
mulis [mu.lis] "dream, vision" < Proto-Hick *muruhilisu → mulis (compound reduction, final vowel loss) See: Sacred Terms
Time & Light
- mur [mur] "night, darkness" < Proto-Hick *muru → mur (final vowel loss) See: Bird Terms
- thur [θur] "dusk" < Proto-Hick *thuru → thur (final vowel loss)
- bran [bran] "dawn" < Proto-Hick *branu → bran (final vowel loss)
- thrakel [θra.kel] "sun" < thral-kel "sacred-sky" → thrakel (liquid deletion)
- murkel [mur.kel] "night sky" < mur-kel "night-sky" → murkel (compound fusion)
- thurkel [θur.kel] "evening sky" < thur-kel "dusk-sky" → thurkel (compound fusion)
- brakel [bra.kel] "morning sky" < bran-kel "dawn-sky" → brakel (nasal deletion)
Derived Terms
- kathrakel [ka.θra.kel] "radiant, beautiful" < ka-thrakel "sun-like" → kathrakel (compound fusion) Note: From metaphorical extension of thrakel "sun". Shows cultural association between beauty and radiance. See: Sacred Terms, Abstract Concepts
Material Culture
- ger [ger] "metal" < Early Hick kurger "moss-stone" < Proto-Hick *kuru-garu (compound reduction) Note: Generalized from copper compound after kur specialized. Shows semantic shift from natural observation (green patina on stones) to material category
- kur [kur] "copper" < Early Hick kurger "moss-stone" < Proto-Hick *kuru-garu (compound reduction) Note: Specialized from first element of copper compound. Original meaning "moss" preserved in inland dialects
- ir [ir] "iron" < Proto-Hick *xiru "mined ore" → ir (initial fricative loss, final vowel loss) Note: Basic term for iron, shows early mining culture
- tin [tin] "tin" < Proto-Hick *tinu → tin (final vowel loss)
- kurtin [kur.tin] "bronze" < kur-tin "copper-tin" → kurtin (compound fusion)
- mar [mar] "rust, red metal" < Proto-Hick *maru → mar (final vowel loss) See: Colors
- grakur [gra.kur] "grey copper" < gra-kur "grey-copper" → grakur (compound fusion)
- 'ihir [ʔi.hir] "to mine (for ore)" < Proto-Hick *heru lu xiru → 'ihir (compound fusion) Note: Literally "move through ore", shows development of specialized mining terminology
Maritime Terms
- mater [ma.ter] "vessel, boat" < Proto-Hick *mataru-heru → mater (compound fusion) Note: From "vehicle-action", specialized for water transport. Unrelated to tre/matre despite similar form. See: Maritime Terms
- materok [ma.te.rok] "vessel-guide, boatman" < mater-ok "vessel-AGENT" → materok (compound fusion) See: Agentive Suffix
- rismater [ris.ma.ter] "reed-vessel" < ris-mater "reed-vessel" → rismater (compound fusion)
- wudmater [wud.ma.ter] "wood-vessel" < wud-mater "wood-vessel" → wudmater (compound fusion)
- brammater [bram.ma.ter] "river-vessel" < bram-mater "tide-vessel" → brammater (compound fusion)
- kethmater [keθ.ma.ter] "sea-vessel" < keth-mater "sea-vessel" → kethmater (compound fusion)
Example: materok-el rismater-im-ris keth-es ward-ter boatman-ERG reed.vessel-PROX-ELL sea-ABS direct-to "The boatman takes the reed boat to sea"
Cultural Terms
- 'iruretil [ʔi.ru.re.til] "gift" < 'irur-etil "hollow-thing" → 'iruretil (compound fusion) Note: Shows cultural link between containers and proper gifts. Always inanimate. See: Material Culture
Flora & Fauna
Basic Terms
- ris [ris] "reed" < Proto-Hick *risu → ris (final vowel loss)
- wud [wud] "wood, tree" < Proto-Hick *wudu → wud (final vowel loss)
- gras [gras] "grass" < Proto-Hick *grasu → gras (final vowel loss)
- sed [sed] "seed" < Proto-Hick *sedu → sed (final vowel loss)
- kel [kel] "leaf" < Proto-Hick *kelu → kel (final vowel loss)
- bran [bran] "branch" < Proto-Hick *bahu lu-haranu → bran (lit. "split from father") (compound fusion) (liquid deletion) Note: Preserved compound with ablative lu- marking
- wen [wen] "flower" < Proto-Hick *venu -> wenu → wen (final vowel loss)
nes [nes] "fish" < Proto-Hick *nesu → nes (final vowel loss) See: Maritime Terms
mer [mer] "bird" < Proto-Hick *meru → mer (final vowel loss) Note: Cultural connection between birds and parenting roles See: Sacred Terms, Kinship Terms
pel [pel] "bear" < Proto-Hick *pelu → pel (final vowel loss) Note: Maintains [e] in compounds
sak [sak] "wolf" < Proto-Hick *saku → sak (final vowel loss)
ren [ren] "deer" < Proto-Hick *renu → ren (final vowel loss)
toren [to.ren] "horse" < tor-ren "great-deer" → toren (compound fusion) Note: Shows semantic extension through size metaphor See: Animal Terms
belnes [bel.nes] "mouthed fish" < bel-nes "mouth-fish" → belnes (compound fusion)
kranren [kran.ren] "horned deer" < kran-ren "horn-deer" → kranren (compound fusion)
venmer [ven.mer] "wing bird" < ven-mer "wing-bird" → venmer (compound fusion)
silpel [sil.pel] "hide bear" < sil-pel "hide-bear" → silpel (compound fusion)
thirpel [θir.pel] "fur-bear" < thir-pel "fur-bear" → thirpel (compound fusion)
lisbel [lis.bel] "face" < lis-bel "eye-mouth" → lisbel (compound fusion)
thirren [θir.ren] "winter coat deer" < thir-ren "fur-deer" → thirren (compound fusion)
kirpel [kir.pel] "rearing bear" < kir-pel "chest-bear" → kirpel (compound fusion)
dorren [dor.ren] "pack deer" < dor-ren "back-deer" → dorren (compound fusion)
tornes ['tor.nes] "whale" < tor-nes "great-fish" → tornes (compound fusion, stress shift) Note: Resists reduction due to sacred associations
tomur ['to.mur] "great owl" < tor-mur-mer → tomur (compound simplification) Note: Shows liquid deletion and vowel reduction
venmer ['ven.mer] "wing bird" < ven-mer "wing-bird" → venmer (compound fusion)
ketnes [ket.nes] "sea fish" < keth-nes "sea-fish" → ketnes (compound fusion)
ranes [ra.nes] "river fish" < ran-nes "stream-fish" → ranes (compound fusion)
malnes [mal.nes] "pool fish" < mal-nes "pool-fish" → malnes (compound fusion)
belnes [bel.nes] "mouthed fish" < bel-nes "mouth-fish" → belnes (compound fusion)
kor [kor] "cow" < Old Iutlandish kor Note: Early borrowing showing cultural contact with Iutlandish herders See: Animal Terms
sumerok [su.me.rok] "goat" < gras-'imer-ok "grass-life-AGENT" → sumerok (compound simplification) Note: Shows compound reduction and metaphorical extension through agentive marking See: Animal Terms, Consumption Terms
dak [dak] "snake" < Proto-Hick *daluku → dak (medial liquid loss, vowel reduction) Note: From root meaning "slither", forms verb dak'er "to slither"
torba [tor.ba] "goat" < tor-ba "mountain-father" → torba (compound fusion) Note: Shows metaphorical extension linking goats to mountains and paternal authority. See: Landforms, Kinship Terms, Pastoral Terms
Equestrian Terms
- norath [no.raθ] "to ride (a mount)" < Eldrim nortʰa "to make run" → norath (borrowed term) Note: Early borrowing from Eldrim, shows cultural contact predating widespread horse domestication. See: Animal Terms, Motion Actions
Bird Terms (Nocturnal)
- murmer [mur.mer] "night-bird, owl" < Proto-Hick *muru-meru "night-bird" → mur-mer (vowel loss in compounds)
- tomur [to.mur] "great owl, eagle owl" < Proto-Hick *toru-muru-meru "great-night-bird" → tor-mur-mer (vowel loss in compounds) → tor-mur (compound simplification) → tomur (liquid deletion)
- thurmur [θur.mur] "dusk owl" < Proto-Hick *thuru-muru-meru "dusk-night-bird" → thur-mur-mer (vowel loss in compounds) → thurmur (compound simplification)
- limur [li.mur] "small night-bird, small owl" < Proto-Hick *li-muru-meru "small-night-bird" → li-mur-mer (vowel loss in compounds) → limur (compound simplification)
- murlis [mur.lis] "night-eye" < mur-lis "night-eye" → murlis (compound fusion)
- murkran [mur.kran] "night-horn" < mur-kran "night-horn" → murkran (compound fusion)
With context, the word itself would be enough to mean the color, however to disambiguate from other meanings, the Similarity Prefix ka- is used.
Some color terms do not have other semantic categories, for example 'gra' lost other meanings by Early Hick, this ka- is unnecessary.
- gra [gra] "grey" < Proto-Hick *grau → gra (vowel sequences) See: Metals
- mar [mar] "red" < Proto-Hick *maru → mar (final vowel loss) See: Metals
- kel [kel] "blue" < Proto-Hick *kelu → kel (final vowel loss) Same as "sky", See: Elements
- thir [θir] "white" < Proto-Hick *thiru → thir (final vowel loss) Same as "air", See: Elements
- nal [nal] "black" < Proto-Hick *nalu → nal (final vowel loss) Same as "river"
- sar [sar] "leaf" < Proto-Hick *saru → sar (final vowel loss) Note: Also means "green" from leaf association
Magical Terms
Basic Terms
- kul [kul] "magic, sorcery" < Proto-Hick *kulu → kul (final vowel loss) See: Sacred Terms
Derived Terms
- kulok [ku.lok] "sorcerer" < kul-ok "magic-AGENT" → kulok (compound fusion)
- malthrenok [mal.θre.nok] "pool-watcher, diviner" < mal-thren-ok "pool-watch-AGENT" → malthrenok (compound fusion) Note: One who divines through watching pools/water See: Water Features, Sacred Terms
- imurkulok [i.mur.ku.lok] "necromancer" < imur-kul-ok "evil-magic-AGENT" → imurkulok (compound fusion) Note: Literally "evil magic worker" See: Sacred Terms, Magical Terms
Time & Celestial
Basic Terms
- thral [θral] "sacred, ritual; day" < Proto-Hick *thralu → thral (final vowel loss) See: Sacred Terms
- ter [ter] "flow, time" < Proto-Hick *teru → ter (final vowel loss)
- mur [mur] "night, darkness" < Proto-Hick *muru → mur (final vowel loss) See: Bird Terms
- thur [θur] "dusk" < Proto-Hick *thuru → thur (final vowel loss)
- bran [bran] "dawn" < Proto-Hick *branu → bran (final vowel loss)
- takuter [ta.ku.ter] "harmony, attunement" < 3-ter "rhythm-flow" → takuter (compound simplification) Note: Shows reduction of reduplicated base through compound simplification See: Basic Terms, Sacred Terms
- 'atelbran [ʔa.tel.bran] "before (when-dawn)" < 'aka-tel-bran → 'akatelbran → 'atelbran (compound reduction) Note: Shows temporal metaphor of dawn/past, derived from interrogative See: Time Terms, Interrogatives
Celestial Bodies
- thrakel [θra.kel] "sun" < thral-kel "sacred-sky" → thrakel (liquid deletion)
- murkel [mur.kel] "night sky" < mur-kel "night-sky" → murkel (compound fusion)
- thurkel [θur.kel] "evening sky" < thur-kel "dusk-sky" → thurkel (compound fusion)
- brakel [bra.kel] "morning sky" < bran-kel "dawn-sky" → brakel (nasal deletion)
Body Parts
Basic Terms
- bel [bel] "mouth, opening" < Proto-Hick *belu → bel (final vowel loss) See: Maritime Terms, Architecture
- kan [kan] "head" < Proto-Hick *kanu → kan (final vowel loss) See: Sacred Terms
- tel [tel] "tail, end" < Proto-Hick *telu → tel (final vowel loss) See: Landscape Terms
- gar [gar] "bone" < Proto-Hick *garu → gar (final vowel loss) See: Landscape Terms, Sacred Terms
- sil [sil] "skin, hide" < Proto-Hick *silu → sil (final vowel loss) See: Material Culture
- ven [ven] "wing, fin" < Proto-Hick *venu → ven (final vowel loss) See: Maritime Terms, Bird Terms
- kran [kran] "horn, spike" < Proto-Hick *kranu → kran (final vowel loss) See: Landscape Terms
- mar [mar] "blood, life-fluid" < Proto-Hick *maru → mar (final vowel loss) See: Colors, Sacred Terms
- ter [ter] "flow, fluid" < Proto-Hick *teru → ter (final vowel loss) See: Water Features, Maritime Terms
- kost [kost] "foot" < Proto-Hick *kostu → kost (final vowel loss) See: Movement Terms
- tag [tag] "hand" < Proto-Hick *tagu → tag (final vowel loss) Note: Forms verb tag'er "to make". See: Basic Actions
- mes [mes] "heart" < Proto-Hick *melisu → mes (final vowel loss) Note: Core term for emotional center, used in compounds for feelings See: Body Parts, Sacred Terms
- dak [dak] "stomach, gut" < Proto-Hick *daluku → dak (final vowel loss) (liquid deletion) See: Food & Consumption Terms
- bedek [be.dek] "tongue" < be-dak → bedek (vowel harmony) Note: Literally "mouth-snake", metaphorical compound
- pir [pir] "ear" < Proto-Hick *piru → pir
(final vowel loss)
- pir'er [ˈpir.ʔer] "to listen" < pir-'er "ear-VERB"
- pirthral [ˈpir.θral] "ritual hearing" < pir-thral "ear-sacred" Note: Forms compounds relating to hearing and ritual attention
- kar [kar] "nose" < Proto-Hick *karu → kar (final vowel loss) Note: Forms verb kar'er "to smell"
- krak [krak] "tooth" < Proto-Hick *kraku → krak (final vowel loss) Note: Forms verb krak'er "to bite". See also: Initial Clusters
- kun [kun] "knee" < Proto-Hick *kunu → kun (final vowel loss) Note: Used in compounds for joint terms
- sul [sul] "liver" < Proto-Hick *sulu → sul (final vowel loss)
- kol [kol] "neck" < Proto-Hick *kolu → kol (final vowel loss)
- ret [ret] "arm" < Proto-Hick *retu → ret (final vowel loss) See: Body Parts
- trask [trask] "leg" < Proto-Hick *tarasaku → trask (syncope, final vowel loss) See: Body Parts
- wak [wak] "breast" < Proto-Hick *waka → wak (final vowel loss) See: Body Parts
- wak'eth [wak.ʔeθ] "breastfeeding" < waka-ethe "breast-ABL" → wak'eth (compound formation, glottal stop insertion) Note: Nominal form reanalyzed from ablative case See: Body Parts, Basic Actions
- wakat [wa.kat] "nipple" < waka-xitu "breast-knot" → wakat (compound formation, unstressed vowel reduction) See: Body Parts
- wak'ai [wak.ʔai] "milk" < waka-ahi "breast-water" → wak'ai (compound formation, vowel coalescence) See: Body Parts, Food & Drink
- kanmil [kan.mil] "brain" < kan-mil "head-fat" Note: Reflects early anatomical understanding of brain tissue as a fatty substance See: Food & Consumption Terms
- sat [sat] "appendage; penis" < Proto-Hick *satu → sat (final vowel loss) Note: Basic term for appendages, with anatomical extension. Forms compounds for specific body parts. See: Body Parts
Face Terms
- lis [lis] "eye" < Proto-Hick *lisu → lis (final vowel loss) See: Sacred Terms, Bird Terms
- thir [θir] "hair, fur" < Proto-Hick *thiru → thir (final vowel loss) See: Colors, Animal Terms
- sim [sim] "fine hair, lash" < Proto-Hick *simu → sim (final vowel loss) See: Plant Terms
- bran [bran] "brow, ridge" < Proto-Hick *branu → bran (final vowel loss)
Trunk Terms
- kir [kir] "chest, front" < Proto-Hick *esgiru → kir (final vowel loss) See: Sacred Terms, Person Terms
- dor [dor] "back, behind" < Proto-Hick *doru → dor (final vowel loss) See: Landscape Terms, Maritime Terms
- pal [pal] "belly, center" < Proto-Hick *palu → pal (final vowel loss) See: Sacred Terms, Landscape Terms
- thal [θal] "side, flank" < Proto-Hick *thalu → thal (final vowel loss) See: Landscape Terms
- vinusam [vi.nu.sam] "shoulder" < PH *vinu xasamu "yoke rest" Note: Names shoulder for its function as resting place for burdens See: Body Parts
- dorgar [dor.gər] "spine" < dor-gar "back-bone" Note: Transparent descriptive compound See: Body Parts
- kir'irur [kir.ʔi.rur] "ribcage" < kir-'irur "chest-container" Note: Conceptualizes ribcage as a container/basket, parallel to 'irurlis "gourd/container" See: Food & Consumption Terms for 'irurlis
- kirgar [kir.gər] "rib" < kir-gar "chest-bone" Note: Single bone of the ribcage; plural makirgar for full set of ribs See: Body Parts, kir'irur "ribcage"
- brast [brast] "dominant arm" < Proto-Hick *bara-satu "prominent-appendage" → brast (compound fusion) Note: Specifically refers to dominant arm, contrasting with ret "arm (general)". Forms verb brast'er "to reach". Cultural link to tak "right (direction)". See: Body Parts
- mar [mar] "blood, life-fluid" < Proto-Hick *maru → mar (final vowel loss) See: Colors, Sacred Terms, Metals
- ter [ter] "flow, fluid" < Proto-Hick *teru → ter (final vowel loss) See: Water Features, Maritime Terms
- mel [mel] "tallow, animal fat" < PH melu "liquid" Note: Shows semantic narrowing from general liquid to specifically animal fat See: Body Parts
- kirmel [kir.mel] "chest/organ fat" < kir-mel "chest-fat" Note: Distinguishes valuable internal fat deposits from other types
- du [du] "meat" < Proto-Hick *duha → du (final vowel loss) Note: Basic term for animal flesh as food. Forms compounds with other food terms See: Body Parts for muscle/flesh meanings
- vinlas [vin.las] "fetus, unborn child" < vin-las "pregnancy-ILL" → vinlas (case lexicalization) Note: Shows lexicalization of illative case marking location within. See: Person Terms, Body Terms
Derived Terms
- kawak [ka.wak] "soft" < ka-wak "breast-like" → kawak (compound fusion) Note: From metaphorical extension of wak "breast". Shows cultural association between softness and nurturing. Forms natural contrast with kagar "hard". See: Body Parts, Abstract Concepts
Bodily Functions & States
Basic Terms
- duwes [du.wes] "eat, consume" < sedu-lawes "seed-consume" → duwes (compound fusion) See: Directional System
- mulis [mu.lis] "dream, vision" < Proto-Hick *muruhilisu → mulis (compound reduction) See: Sacred Terms, Abstract Concepts
- hilis [hi.lis] "sight" < Proto-Hick *hi-lisu → hilis (animacy prefix) See: Body Parts
- vin [vin] "pregnancy" < Proto-Hick *venu "yoke" → vinu (compound reduction) Inland dialects use vinused < *venu-sedu "burden-seed" See: Body Parts, Sacred Terms Note: From "burden-seed"; shows vowel harmony in compound reduction See: Body Parts, Sacred Terms
- imeresp [i.me.resp] "sleep" < imer-esp "breath-under" → imeresp (compound fusion) Note: Shows metaphorical extension of breath/spirit sinking to indicate sleep See: Spirit Terms, Body Parts
Derived Terms
- vinuimris [vi.nu.im.ris] "to give birth" < vinu-imris "pregnancy-ELL" → vinuimris (ellative case) Note: Lexicalized from ellative case of "pregnancy" See: Verbal Terms, Sacred Terms
- murvinuiter [mur.vi.nu.i.ter] "abortion" < murvinu-imris "stillbirth-ELL" → murvinuiter (ellative case) Note: Uses ellative case to indicate "from/out of stillbirth" See: Body Parts, Sacred Terms
- pakupak [ˈpa.ku.pək] "tickle" < Proto-Hick *pakupaku → pakupak (final vowel loss) Note: Preserves onomatopoeic reduplication, shows unstressed vowel reduction See: Basic Terms
Compound Terms
- murvinu [mur.vi.nu] "stillbirth" < mur-vinu "night-pregnancy" → murvinu (compound fusion) Note: Uses mur- "darkness" metaphorically for death See: Body Parts, Sacred Terms
- mulislas [mu.lis.las] "dream-state" < mulis-las → mulislas (directional suffix)
- mulisimris [mu.li.sim.ris] "awakening" < mulis-imris → mulisimris (directional suffix)
- sinibel [si.ni.bel] "taste" < sin-ibel "float-tongue" → sinibel (compound fusion) Note: Shows metaphorical extension of floating motion to sensory perception See: Taste Terms, Body Parts
Basic Terms
- iskel [is.kel] "window" < is-kel "out-sky" → iskel (compound fusion)
- iskelai [is.ke.lai] "window condensation" < iskel-ai "window-water" → iskelai (compound fusion)
- asad [a.sad] "bridge" < Proto-Hick *hasa-wadu → asad (compound fusion) Note: From 'vine' + 'path', shows typical development of infrastructure terms from natural materials
- branlir [bran.lir] "watchtower" < bran-lir "ridge-watch" → branlir (compound fusion)
Construction Terms
- arasud [a.ra.sud] "plank, cut timber" < Proto-Hick *xarasa-wudu → arasud (initial fricative loss, compound fusion) Note: From *xaru "cut" + *asa (PERL) + *wudu "wood", literally "cut-through wood"
- 'it [ʔit] "knot (in wood); falsehood" < Proto-Hick *xitu → 'it (initial fricative loss, final vowel loss) Note: Primary meaning refers to natural knots in wood/lumber. Abstract meaning "falsehood" derives from concept of deviation in wood grain. See: Construction Terms, Abstract Concepts
Vehicular Terms
Basic Terms
- tre [tre] "wagon, cart" < Proto-Hick *mataru → matre → tre (final vowel loss) Note: Back-formed from matre through reanalysis of ma- as plural prefix. See: Vehicle Terms
- matre [ma.tre] "caravan" < ma-tre "plural-wagon" → matre (compound fusion) Note: Original form from *mataru, reanalyzed as plural compound leading to back-formation of tre. See: Vehicle Terms
- mater [ma.ter] "vessel, boat" < Proto-Hick *mataru-heru → mater (compound fusion) Note: From "vehicle-action", specialized for water transport. From same root *mataru as tre/matre but with different development. See: Maritime Terms
Derived Terms
- matre [ma.tre] "caravan" < ma-tre "plural-wagon" → matre (compound fusion) Note: Original form from *mataru, reanalyzed as plural compound leading to back-formation of tre. See: Vehicle Terms
Household Terms
- arasaditar [a.ra.sa.di.tar] "table" < arasad-itar → arasaditar Note: From arasad "plank" + -itar (SUPE), literally "elevated plank" See also Construction Terms
Climate & Weather
Temperature Terms
- mir [mir] "cold, cooling" < Proto-Hick *miru → mir (final vowel loss) See: Water Features, Time Terms
- miral [mi.ral] "cold water, winter pool" < mir-mal → miral (lit. "cold-pool") (liquid deletion) See: Sacred Terms, Water Features
- thir [θir] "warm, warming" < Proto-Hick *thiru → thir (final vowel loss) See: Colors, Sacred Terms
- thiral [θi.ral] "warm water, summer pool" < thir-mal → thiral (lit. "warm-pool") (liquid deletion) See: Water Features
Wind Terms
- bres [bres] "wind, moving air" < Proto-Hick *bresu → bres (final vowel loss) See: Maritime Terms
Cardinal Winds
torulbres [to.rul.bres] "north wind" < tor-ul-bres "mountain-POSS-wind" → torulbres (compound fusion) Note: Literally "mountain's wind". Later replaced by eldalulbres in many regions after Eldrim contact. See: Landforms
eldalulbres [el.da.lul.bres] "north wind" < eldal-ul-bres "elf-POSS-wind" → eldalulbres (compound fusion) Note: Emerged after Eldrim conflicts, eventually replacing torulbres in most dialects. Shows cultural trauma associated with northern winds.
kethulbres [ke.θul.bres] "east wind" < keth-ul-bres "sea-POSS-wind" → kethulbres (compound fusion) Note: Common in eastern coastal regions. See: Maritime Terms
thilulbres [θi.lul.bres] "south wind" < thil-ul-bres "virtue-POSS-wind" → thilulbres (compound fusion) Note: Associated with favorable weather and good fortune. Shows semantic link between moral and natural forces.
aitarulbres [ai.ta.rul.bres] "west wind" < aitar-ul-bres "rain-POSS-wind" → aitarulbres (compound fusion) Note: Primarily used in coastal regions, associated with rainfall patterns. Inland regions often used libres. See: Water Terms
Regional Variations
- libres [li.bres] "gentle wind" < li-bres "DIM-wind" → libres (compound fusion) Note: Used primarily inland for weakened western winds after mountain crossing. Shows regional variation in wind terminology.
Seasonal Terms
- mirthral [mir.θral] "winter" < mir-thral → mirthral (lit. "cold-day") (compound fusion) See: Time Terms
- thirthral [θir.θral] "summer" < thir-thral → thirthral (lit. "warm-day") (compound fusion) See: Time Terms
- branthral [bran.θral] "spring" < bran-thral → branthral (lit. "dawn-day") (compound fusion) See: Time Terms
- thurthral [θur.θral] "autumn" < thur-thral → thurthral (lit. "dusk-day") (compound fusion) See: Time Terms
- thranal [θra.nal] "seasons" < thran-thral "thousand-sacred" → thranal (liquid deletion) Note: Shows cyclical time through metaphor of countless sacred days See: Time Terms, Sacred Terms
Musical Terms
Basic Terms
- takutak [ˈta.ku.tək] "rhythm" < Proto-Hick *takutaku → takutak (final vowel loss) Note: Preserves onomatopoeic reduplication
- 'irur [ʔi.rur] "repetition" < Proto-Hick *heru-heru → 'irur (compound reduction) Note: Shows reduplication of root *heru "action"
- 'irurtak [ʔi.rur.tak] "drum" < 'irur-tak "hollow-hit" → 'irurtak (compound fusion) Note: Shows cultural connection between hollow objects and percussion instruments
Person Terms
Basic Terms
- 'al [ʔal] "person" < Proto-Hick hi- animacy marker + Proth-Hick *ʔalu "person" → 'al (final vowel loss) See: Political Terms
- kir [kir] "body, physical form" < Proto-Hick *kiru → kir (final vowel loss) See: Body Parts, Sacred Terms
- kiris [ki.ris] "outsider" < Proto-Hick *kiru-ʔisu "body-out" → kiris (compound fusion) Note: Shows archaic directional suffix. See: Person Terms
- kiriter [ki.ri.ter] "foreigner, stranger" < Inland Hick kir-iter "body-ELL" Note: Borrowed from inland dialects with productive ellative suffix -iter (vs coastal -imris). Contrasts with archaic kiris. See: Person Terms, Directional Terms
- gal [gal] "man" < Proto-Hick garu + ʔalu → gar'el "hard-person" → gal
- wen'al [wen.ʔal] "woman" < wen-'al "flower person" → wen'al (compound fusion)
- 'eldal [ʔl.dal] "elf (individual)" < Quenya elda+'al "elf-person" → 'eldal (compound reduction) Note: Borrowing from Sindarin eldrim with native person marker See: Person Terms, Sacred Terms
- 'eldalok [ʔel.da.lok] "elven people" < 'eldal-ok "elf-AGENT" → 'eldalok (agentive marking) Note: Collective form using agentive suffix to mark social group See: Person Terms, Sacred Terms
- ma'alok [ma.ʔa.lok] "community member" < ma'al-ok "community-AGENT" → ma'alok (agentive suffix) Note: Shows productive use of agentive suffix with collective terms. Compare ma'al "community" and 'al "person". See: Person Terms, Political Terms
- vinok [vi.nok] "baby, infant" < vin-ok "pregnancy-AGENT" → vinok (agentive suffix) Note: Shows semantic extension from agentive to resultative meaning. See: Person Terms, Kinship Terms
- imasamok [i.ma.sa.mok] "coward" < imasam-ok "cower-AGENT" → imasamok (agentive suffix) Note: Literally "one who cowers". Shows productive use of agentive suffix with compound base. See: Person Terms
Spirit Terms
- imer [i.mer] "breath, soul" < Proto-Hick *imeru → imer (final vowel loss) See: Sacred Terms
- imerlas [i.mer.las] "inspiration" < imer-las "soul-inward" → imerlas (compound fusion)
- imerimris [i.me.rim.ris] "expression" < imer-imris "soul-outward" → imerimris (compound fusion)
Derived Terms
- ma'al [ma.ʔal] "community, tribe" < ma-'al "COLL-person" → ma'al (compound fusion) See: Political Terms Note: Collective term implying social/political unity rather than simple plurality
- vinlas [vin.las] "fetus, unborn child" < vin-las "pregnancy-ILL" → vinlas (case lexicalization) Note: Shows lexicalization of illative case marking location within. See: Person Terms, Body Terms 1
Name & Identity Terms
- bar [bar] "name, mark of identity" < Proto-Hick *baru → bar (final vowel loss) Note: Core term for personal and social identity
Derived Terms
barlas [ba.r.las] "personal name" < bar-las "name-ILL" → barlas (case lexicalization) Note: Used for intimate/personal names
barimris [ba.rim.ris] "reputation, public name" < bar-imris "name-ELL" → barimris (case lexicalization) Note: Used for social standing and public identity
bar'er [bar.ʔer] "to name, to call" < bar-'er "name-VERB" → bar'er (verbalizer suffix) Note: Basic verb for naming/calling
Compound Terms
thralbar [θral.bar] "sacred name" < thral-bar "sacred-name" → thralbar (compound fusion) Note: Used in ritual contexts
barul [ba.rul] "name-keeper" < bar-ul "name-POSS" → barul (possessive suffix) Note: One who maintains genealogical records
mobar [mo.bar] "unnamed, nameless" < mo-bar "NEG-name" → mobar (negation prefix) Note: Used for both literal namelessness and social outcasts
Political Terms
Basic Terms
- ma'al [ma.ʔal] "community, tribe" < ma-'al "COLL-person" → ma'al See: Person Terms
- ma'alok [ma.ʔa.lok] "community member" < ma'al-ok "community-AGENT" → ma'alok (agentive suffix) Note: Shows productive use of agentive suffix with collective terms. Compare ma'al "community" and 'al "person". See: Person Terms, Political Terms
- im'irok [im.ʔi.rok] "enemy, adversary" < im'ir-ok "ill.intent-AGENT" → im'irok (agentive suffix) Note: Shows productive use of agentive suffix with abstract concepts. See: Person Terms, Sacred Terms
Communication Terms
- paket [pa.ket] "talk" < Proto-Hick *pakata → paket (final vowel loss, vowel reduction) Note: Forms verb paket'er "to speak, to talk" See: Social Terms
Social Terms
Basic Terms
- paket [pa.ket] "talk" < Proto-Hick *pakata → paket (final vowel loss, vowel reduction) Note: Forms verb paket'er "to speak, to talk" See: Communication Terms
- ma'alok [ma.ʔa.lok] "community member" < ma'al-ok "community-AGENT" → ma'alok (agentive suffix) Note: Shows productive use of agentive suffix with collective terms. Compare ma'al "community" and 'al "person". See: Person Terms, Political Terms
- natlas [nat.las] "friend" < gnater-las "desire-ILL" → natlas (compound fusion) Note: Shows cluster simplification and case lexicalization. From "one in a state of desire/affection" to "friend". Compare grammaticalized desiderative -nat. See: Social Terms, Case System
Love Terms
- sibris [si.bris] "infatuation, first love" < Proto-Hick *silu-hibrisu → sibris (compound fusion) Note: From "skin-fire", metaphorical extension to passionate but potentially fleeting emotion. Contrasts with meris "enduring love". See: Abstract Concepts
- meris [me.ris] "romantic love" < Proto-Hick *meru-risu → meris (compound fusion) Note: From "heart-towards", metaphorical extension to deep, lasting emotional bond. Shows archaic lative case usage. See: Abstract Concepts, Case System
- 'iruretil [ʔi.ru.re.til] "gift" < 'irur-etil "hollow-thing" → 'iruretil (compound fusion) Note: Shows cultural link between containers and proper gifts. Always inanimate. See: Material Culture
- 'irursibris [ʔi.rur.sib.ris] "ceremonial gift, dowry" < 'irur-sibris "hollow-love" → 'irursibris (compound fusion) Note: Used for significant life events and marriage gifts. Shows cultural formalization of gift-giving. See: Sacred Terms
Kinship Terms
Basic Terms
- ba [ba] "father" < Proto-Hick *bahu → ba (vowel coalescence)
- nai [nai] "mother" < Proto-Hick *nahi → nai (vowel coalescence)
- mer [mer] "parent" < Proto-Hick *meru → mer (final vowel loss) See: Bird Terms, Sacred Terms, Animals Note: Metaphorical extension from bird terminology reflecting cultural values
- thir [θir] "elder" < Proto-Hick *thiru → thir (metaphorical extension from "air/white")
- lis [lis] "child" < Proto-Hick *li-su → lis (lit. "little one") (final vowel loss) Note: Semantic d\lopment parallels diminutive formations (see lines 627-630) See: Kinship Terms, Diminutive Formation
Compound Terms
- merlis [mer.lis] "offspring" < mer-lis "parent-child" → merlis (compound fusion)
- bran [bran] "lineage, family branch" < Proto-Hick *bahu lu-haranu → bran (lit. "split from father") (compound fusion) (liquid deletion) Note: Same term used for tree branch; see Flora Terms
- thirmer [θir.mer] "grandparent" < thir-mer "elder-parent" → thirmer (compound fusion)
- thirlis [θir.lis] "grandchild" < thir-lis "elder-child" → thirlis (compound fusion)
- tormer [tor.mer] "ancestor" < tor-mer "great-parent" → tormer (compound fusion)
- limer [li.mer] "younger parent/aunt/uncle" < li-mer "small-parent" → limer (compound fusion)
- thirba [θir.ba] "grandfather" < thir-ba "elder-father" → thirba (compound fusion)
- thirnai [θir.nai] "grandmother" < thir-nai "elder-mother" → thirnai (compound fusion)
- torba [tor.ba] "ancestor (paternal)" < tor-ba "great-father" → torba (compound fusion)
- tornai [tor.nai] "ancestor (maternal)" < tor-nai "great-mother" → tornai (compound fusion)
- liba [li.ba] "uncle (paternal)" < li-ba "lesser-father" → liba (compound fusion)
- linai [li.nai] "aunt (maternal)" < li-nai "lesser-mother" → linai (compound fusion)
- vinok [vi.nok] "baby, infant" < vin-ok "pregnancy-AGENT" → vinok (agentive suffix) Note: Shows semantic extension from agentive to resultative meaning. See: Person Terms, Kinship Terms
Usage Examples
- merlis-el thirmer-es thren-ʔer
offspring-ERG grandparent-ABS watch-ACT
"The offspring watches the grandparent"
Number System
Basic Numbers
- sin [sin] "one" < Proto-Hick *su-inu → sin (counting form) (final vowel loss)
- tir [tir] "two" < Proto-Hick *tiru → tir (basic form) (final vowel loss)
- thal [θal] "three" < Proto-Hick *thalu → thal (basic form) (final vowel loss)
- fen [fen] "four" < Proto-Hick *fen-inu → fen (counting form) (final vowel loss)
- pil [pil] "five" < Proto-Hick *pilu → pil (basic form) (final vowel loss)
- sek [sek] "six" < Proto-Hick *seku → sek (basic form) (final vowel loss)
- pran [pran] "seven" < Proto-Hick *pran-inu → pran (counting form) (final vowel loss)
- kres [kres] "eight" < Proto-Hick *kresu → kres (basic form) (final vowel loss)
- sinkres [sin.kres] "nine" < sin-kres "one-eight" → sinkres (compound fusion)
- tirkres [tir.kres] "ten" < tir-kres "two-eight" → tirkres (compound fusion)
- keth [keθ] "hundred" < Proto-Hick *kethu → keth (final vowel loss)
- thran [θran] "thousand" < Proto-Hick *thran-inu → thran (counting form) (final vowel loss)
Derived Number Terms
- ma-kres [ma.kres] "many" < ma-kres "PL-eight" → makres (compound fusion)
- ma-sin [ma.sin] "everyone" < ma-sin "PL-one" → masin (compound fusion)
- ma-thal [ma.θal] "group (of people)" < ma-thal "PL-three" → mathal (compound fusion)
- haran [ha.ran] "divide (numbers)" < Proto-Hick *haranu → haran (metaphorical extension from "split") See: Basic Terms
- -eth [-eθ] "inanimate ordinal suffix" < Proto-Hick *-ethu → -eth
(final vowel loss)
Note: Forms ordinals for inanimate objects. Examples:
- sineth [si.neθ] "first (of things)" < sin-eth "one-ORD.INAN"
- tireth [ti.reθ] "second (of things)" < tir-eth "two-ORD.INAN"
- -thir [-θir] "animate ordinal suffix" < Proto-Hick *-thiru → -thir
(final vowel loss)
Note: Forms ordinals for animate beings, from root meaning "known/visible".
- sinthir [sin.θir] "first (of beings)" < sin-thir "one-ORD.ANIM"
- tirthir [tir.θir] "second (of beings)" < tir-thir "two-ORD.ANIM"
Negation and Opposition
Basic Terms
- im [im] "evil, abstract negativity" < Proto-Hick *ʔimru → im (liquid deletion) See: Sacred Terms
- 'imur [ʔi.mur] "evil force" < Proto-Hick *hi-muru → 'imur (animacy prefix)
Compound Terms with imur-
- imurmal [i.mur.mal] "evil pool, cursed waters" < imur-mal → imurmal (compound fusion)
- imurtor [i.mur.tor] "evil peak, forbidden mountain" < imur-tor → imurtor (compound fusion)
- imurwad [i.mur.wad] "evil path, dangerous route" < imur-wad → imurwad (compound fusion)
- imurthral [i.mur.θral] "cursed day/time" < imur-thral → imurthral (compound fusion, maintains second element due to sacred term) See: Time Terms
- imurai [i.mu.rai] "stinky" < imur-ai "bad-air" → imurai (compound fusion) Note: Describes an unpleasant smell, metaphorically derived from the concept of bad air.
Usage Examples
- imur-thir-es thral-ʔer evil-KNOWN.ANIM-ABS sacred-ACT "The known evil one is sacred"
- mo-thral-es ward-ter NEG-sacred-ABS direct-to "Direct (it) to the unsacred one"
Pastoral Terms
- gras [gras] "grass" < Proto-Hick *grasu → gras
(final vowel loss)
Note: Basic pastoral term. Forms two verbs:
- gras'er "to graze" (animal eating grass)
- graslas "to herd, take to graze" (from illative: 'into grazing') See also Action Terms
Borrowed Terms
Elven Borrowings
- toreldal [to.rel.dal] "High Elf" < tor-eldal "AUG-elf" → toreldal (compound fusion) Note: From first elven migration period, uses native augmentative to distinguish High Elves. Shows cultural perception of their status. See: Sacred Terms
- edel [e.del] "Wood Elf" < Sindarin eðel + pre-Early Hick ʔal → edel (dental fricative stopping, suffix integration) Note: From second elven migration period, shows integration of pre-Early Hick sacred suffix. See: Sacred Terms
- ithiril [i.θi.ril] "Dark Elf" < Drow Ilythiiri + pre-Early Hick ʔal → ithiril (initial syllable loss, vowel reduction, suffix integration) Note: From third elven migration period, shows typical sound changes for complex borrowed terms. See: Sacred Terms
Place Names
- 'eldegral [ʔel.də.gral] "feywild" < eldrim-gral "elf-earth" → 'eldegral (compound reduction) Note: Shows vowel reduction in middle syllable and sacred earth metaphor See: Sacred Terms, Landformsshou
- 'eldegralen asadimris [ʔel.də.gra.len a.sa.dim.ris] "The Elven Bridge" < 'eldegral-en asad-imris (compound with case marking) Note: Formal construction using medial visible inanimate marker -en and elative case -imris See: Sacred Terms, Construction Terms
-'is [-ʔis] "this (animate)" < Proto-Hick *'isa → 'is (final vowel loss) Examples:
- 'al-'is [ˈʔal.ʔis] "this person" < 'al-'is "person-this"
- gal-'is [ˈgal.ʔis] "this man" < gal-'is "man-this"
-is [-is] "this (inanimate)" < Proto-Hick *isa → is (final vowel loss) Examples:
- tal-is [ˈta.lis] "this place" < tal-is "place-this"
- mal-is [ˈma.lis] "this pool" < mal-is "pool-this"
-tan [-tan] "that (animate)" < Proto-Hick *tana → tan (final vowel loss) Examples:
- 'al-tan [ˈʔal.tan] "that person" < 'al-tan "person-that"
- gal-tan [ˈgal.tan] "that man" < gal-tan "man-that"
-en [-en] "that (inanimate)" < Proto-Hick *ena → en (final vowel loss) Examples:
- tal-en [ˈta.len] "that place" < tal-en "place-that"
- mal-en [ˈma.len] "that pool" < mal-en "pool-that"
Derivational Patterns
Compound Formation
- Element + Element: kurtin "bronze" < kur-tin "copper-tin" → kurtin (compound fusion)
- Descriptor + Element: grakur "grey copper" < gra-kur "grey-copper" → grakur (compound fusion)
- Location + Base: brammater "river-vessel" < bram-mater "tide-vessel" → brammater (compound fusion)
tor- [tor] "great" < Proto-Hick *toru → tor (final vowel loss) Examples:
- tornes [ˈtor.nes] "whale" < tor-nes "great-fish"
- tomal [ˈto.məl] "lake" < tor-mal "great-pool" Note: Shows liquid deletion and vowel reduction in unstressed syllables
li- [li] "small" < Proto-Hick *lisu → li (final vowel loss) Examples:
- limal [ˈli.məl] "pond" < li-mal "small-pool"
- limur [ˈli.mur] "small owl" < li-mur "small-owl" Note: Triggers reduction in following syllables
Agentive Suffix
- -ok [-ok] "agent" < Proto-Hick *-oku → -ok
(final vowel loss)
- materok [ˈma.te.ˌrok] "boatman" < mater-ok "vessel-AGENT"
- wardok [ˈwar.dok] "guide" < ward-ok "direct-AGENT" Note: Receives secondary stress in three-syllable words
Adjectival Prefix ka-
- ka- [ka] "like, having quality of" < Proto-Hick *kasa → ka
(final vowel loss)
Note: Developing from similarity marker to general adjectivizer Examples:
- kasul [ka.sul] "energetic" < ka-sul "liver-like"
- kames [ka.mes] "emotional" < ka-mes "heart-like"
- kamar [ka.mar] "red, ruddy" < ka-mar "blood-like"
- kagral [ka.gral] "earthy" < ka-gral "earth-like"
- kalis [ka.lis] "clear, obvious" < ka-lis "eye-like"
Sound Changes in Compounds
Liquid Deletion
- tor-mal → tomal "lake"
- thral-gral → thragral "sacred earth" See: Late Hick Sound Changes
Nasal Deletion
- bram-mal → bramal "tidal pool"
- bran-kel → brakel "morning sky" See: Sound Changes in Compounds
Compound Simplification
- tor-mur-mer → tomur "great owl"
- thur-mur-mer → thurmur "dusk owl"
- li-mur-mer → limur "small owl" See: Compound Simplification
Tactile Properties
Basic Terms
kagar [ka.gar] "hard" < ka-gar "stone-like" → kagar (compound fusion) Note: From metaphorical extension of stone. See: Material Terms
kawak [ka.wak] "soft" < ka-wak "breast-like" → kawak (compound fusion) Note: Shows cultural association between softness and nurturing. See: Body Parts
bris [bris] "heat" < Proto-Hick *brisu → bris (final vowel loss) See: Elements
mir [mir] "cold" < Proto-Hick *miru → mir (final vowel loss) See: Water Features
Cross-Reference Index
- Water terminology appears in:
- Height terminology relates to:
- Time concepts connect to:
- Color terms derive from:
Example Sentences
- ai-es ter-ʔer
water-ABS flow-ACT
"Water flows" - mal-thir-el ai-es ward-ter
pool-KNOWN.ANIM-ERG water-ABS contain-to
"The known pool contains water" - tor-thir-es thral-ʔer
peak-KNOWN.ANIM-ABS sacred-ACT
"The known peak is sacred" - materok-el kethmater-im-ris keth-es ward-ter
boatman-ERG sea.vessel-PROX-ELL sea-ABS direct-to
"The boatman takes the sea vessel to the ocean" - murmer-is-el sak-es thren-ʔer
owl-PROX.ANIM-ERG wolf-ABS watch-ACT
"This owl watches the wolf"
Common Phrases & Expressions
Greetings & Well-Wishes
- 'al-el 'ilitar venuiter-es "congratulations on your birth/happy birthday" (lit. "person-ERG good-upon birth-ABS") Note: Formal congratulatory expression using superessive case See: Case System
- 'imeritares [ʔi.me.ri.ta.res] ~ imeritares [i.me.ri.ta.res] ~ imritares [im.ri.ta.res] "welcome; raised spirits" < 'imer "life" + -itar (SUPE) + -es (ABS) → ('i)meritares (case lexicalization) Note: Formal greeting. Dialectal loss of initial glottal stop allows semantic extension from "upon life" to "raised breath/soul" through reanalysis with imer "breath/soul" + superessive -itar. Common usage leads to simplified form imritares. See: Spirit Terms, Common Phrases
- 'ilitar sarespes [ʔi.li.tar sa.res.pes] "Happy New Year" (lit. "goodness upon the sprout") Note: Traditional New Year greeting exchanged on sinthir sarespul thrales. Shows cultural link between agricultural cycles and well-wishing. The formal construction with superessive -itar reflects the blessing's ritual nature. See: Time Terms, Sacred Terms, Common Phrases
Cultural Practices
- 'irurlises duwesimris [ʔi.rur.lis.es du.we.sim.ris] "gift-giving" < 'irur-lis-es
duwes-imris "hollow-fruit-ABS feed-ELL" → 'irurlises duwesimris
Note: Cultural practice of giving filled gourds as gifts during harvest festivals, metaphorically described as "feeding the gourd." - sinthir sarespul thrales [ˈsin.θir sa.ˈres.pul ˈθra.les] "New Year's Day; first day of spring" (lit. "first sprout's day") Note: Marks the agricultural new year when the first sprout emerges. Shows the cultural significance of plant growth cycles in Early Hick timekeeping. The use of animate ordinal (-thir) reflects the personification of the first sprout as an active participant in the yearly cycle. See: Time Terms, Sacred Terms, Flora & Agriculture