Twin Door Of Instantaneous Travel

    The Twin Door of Instantaneous Travel are an identical pair of oak wood doors, with distinctively-grained olive wood inlaid into a two-panel design. Etruscan runes are carved into the cornices that run along each panel.

    When you touch the doorknob of one of the doors, you may choose to consume a number of spell slots equivalent to the values in the distance cost table below. If you choose to do so, when you open the door, you instantaneously open the paired door. Any number of creatures may travel between the paired doors for as long as the door is open. Both doors close automatically if no creatures travel between them after 5 seconds.

    Twin Door of Instantaneous Travel

    Distance Cost 🔗

    DistanceSpell Slot Cost
    per 200 ft1st level
    per 1000 ft2nd level
    per 1 mi3rd level
    above 10 mi4th level

    Special Examples 🔗

    Walburton Doorway 🔗

    The Walburton Doorway is an example that connects the Turbiere de Hubar in Raibon Island with the Walburton Mansion in Hugo, about 1000 miles away. However, because there is a power source attached to it, the distance cost is only one 1st-level spell slot.