
    The House of Savoy of Rainoso are a family of soldiers, support staff and crew, who mostly serve at the pleasure of the Bouillard Family. The family itself were rooted from original settlers from Estrega when they first moved into Raibon Island.

    Savoy Family Tree

    Pater Familius 🔗

    The entire Savoy clan, including its branches answer to a Pater Familius, the father of the family. Usually, but not always, the title is bestowed upon the eldest male of the main branch of the family. This form of primogeniture was more common before the various Apgarian Revolutions, and it may be that this was a hold-over from those ways. It is unclear, however if House Savoy was once a Noble House.

    The Pater Familius was, and is in charge of family gatherings, resolving inter-familial squabbles, etc. In the present day, the Pater Familius also is the primary protector of the leader of the Bouillard family.

    Bouillard "Vassalage" 🔗

    The House Savoy declared themselves protectors of the Bouillards after Parvese slavers have kidnapped the scions of its main branch. Lemuel Savoy, who was next in line to be Pater Familius was captured and tortured during the attempt to rescue his sisters from Parvese hands.

    Romulus Bouillard spearheaded a number of ships, led by his flagship The Black Quill, to intercept the Parvese ships holding the prospective slaves. The rescue was a success, and the Savoys, along with many others, were returned to the island. The Parvese denied any involvement with the matter, but it was plain to the Bouillards that they were in charge of that operation.

    As thanks, Lemuel declared that as soon as he received the position of Pater Familius, he would declare themselves protectors of the Bouillard family for eternity. The family had been serving for five generations as of this writing.

    Monroe Savoy's Leadership 🔗

    As was tradition, the position of Pater Familius was conferred to the eldest male of the family, but as Lemuel neared death, his children unanimously decided to award the honor to his second child Monroe Savoy due to his marriage with Romulus' daughter Nathalie Bouillard. The idea was eldest son Madison Savoy's, who did not relish the responsibility that the position brought.

    Monroe spearheaded many of the professional underpinnings of the Savoys, bringing to order the Savoy training compound in Port Rainoso's East Side.

    Naim's Resentment 🔗

    Not everyone was happy with the transition of power to Monroe's lineage however. Naim Savoy in particular, resented is father from relinquishing the position. It was reported that Naim wanted the position to steer the family away from the role of servitude from the Bouillards that everyone else seemed to have accepted so easily. The resentment was also shared by his wife Portencia, as she was shared Bouillard blood being a Bentayga, and thought that they'd deserved more.