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    The Maidenfeld family was the founding dynasty of the Kingdom of Senera, which took control of the administration of the island while the Kalassarian Empire was deteriorating. Their patriarch, Antonius I Maidenfeld, was a high-ranking administrator in the Kalassarian-held Senerian government, who took advantage of the attempt to quell the various Hapgarian rebellions to establish himself as the de facto ruler of the island.

    They were eventually supplanted by the currently-ruling Dragonheart Dynasty. As a compromise following their defeat in the War of Thyme and Fire, the Maidenfelds were allowed to retain a portion of their agricultural business ventures. Today, the Maidenfelds supply for approximately 70% of all rare herbs and spices in Western Betera.

    History 🔗

    Heads of House 🔗

    Monarchial Period (466-790 AI) 🔗

    The Maidenfeld dynasty ruled Senera from 466 AI to 790 AI:

    • Anthony I (r. 466-491) - Founder of the dynasty and first King of Senera, formerly a Kalassarian administrator
    • Mark I (r. 491-517) - Consolidated royal power and established early institutions
    • Flavius I (r. 517-542) - Known as "the Golden-haired"
    • Lucy (r. 542-559) - First queen regnant during a period of internal strife
    • Thralwen I (r. 559-580) - Introduced more Hick cultural elements to the royal court
    • Claude I (r. 580-605) - First ruler from the Eastern cadet branch
    • Julius II (r. 605-612) - Ascended at age 7, ruled under a regency council
    • Valentine I (r. 612-652) - Known for agricultural reforms and long reign
    • 'Irekgral I (r. 652-677) - Called "the Steadfast", embraced Hick heritage
    • Mark II (r. 677-699) - From the Northern cadet branch
    • Bramgal I (r. 699-725) - "The Tide-strength"
    • Anthony II (r. 725-790) - Last Maidenfeld ruler, lost throne in the War of Thyme and Fire

    Post-Monarchial Period (790-1235 AI) 🔗

    After losing the throne in 790 AI, the Maidenfeld family was granted a Viscounty under the Rannek Marquessate as an overture for peace by the Dragonhearts.

    The following were heads of house during this period. Note that the Dragonhearts instituted Equal Primogeniture after the War of Thyme and Fire, so the titles may pass down to the eldest child regardless of gender:

    • Lucia II (r. 790-812) - Daughter of Anthony II, negotiated family's survival
    • Bramgal II (r. 812-840) - Expanded agricultural holdings in western Senera
    • 'Irekbres I (r. 840-859) - Known as "the Shrewd", usurped from her brother
    • Valentine II (r. 859-891) - Established the spice monopoly
    • Thralwen II (r. 891-920) - First head under formal equal primogeniture
    • Mark III (r. 920-952) - Expanded trade routes to Poasah
    • Bramgal III (r. 952-989) - "The Spicemaster"
    • Lucy III (r. 989-1018) - Survived the Apgarian Revolution period
    • Flavius II (r. 1018-1052) - Reformed family business structure
    • 'Irekgral II (r. 1052-1089) - Established Betera trade networks
    • Thralwen III (r. 1089-1120) - Built the new family estate
    • Valentine III (r. 1120-1159) - Weathered the Ahurian expansions
    • Bramwen I (r. 1159-1198) - First to use hybrid naming style
    • Toranthus I (r. 1198-1235) - Supported the Great Emancipation
    • Malvius II (r. 1235-present) - Current head of house