Treaty Of Turain

    Signed in 1255 AI, the Treaty of Turain officially ended the Poasan-Apgarian Conflict. It was held in the independent Freehold of Turain, one of the independent city-states south of the Apgarian Confederacy. The 24-day conference was mediated by the Calamutian hosts, and was attended by delegations from the various parties involved with the conflict. Turain was agreed upon as one of the truly neutral entities in close geographical proximity to all the main belligerents.

    Considered the winners of the conflict, delegates with the Kingdom of Poasah along with delegates from their allied countries, the Kingdoms of Senera and Mehicania demanded the disarmament and immediate surrender of the Apgarian Confederacy and its allies, the Freeholds of Rigatona and Tamar. The Apgarians were expected to expound on certain concessions for their conditional surrender that they delineated in the armistice that led to this conference.

    The Apharian declaration of the armistice read as follows:

    We of the Council of the Confederation of Apgarian States, for the good of the peoples of which we have vowed to protect and serve, have agreed to issue a temporary cease on aggressive military actions against the Kingdoms of Poasah, Mehicania and Senera, pursuant to a general and lasting peace. To ensure this peace, however, the Citizens of these States demand the following points:

    • The immediate and complete removal of the Seneran naval blockade of the Harmatic trade routes
    • Territories taken and occupied by Seneran military action in the regions of Sanery and Parpelisse be ceded back to their respective states.
    • The townships and surrounding areas considered part and parcel of the State of Alsace, up to and including the towns of Hugo and Fugue in the northeast of the Alsatian mountains be ceded back into said state
    • The immediate and complete removal of the Poasan military occupation of the Freehold of Rigatona and the neighboring Freehold of Uyama

    The Citizens of these States offer the following concessions in exchange:

    • Cession of the territories collectively called the Garatonian Lands to the Kingdom of Poasah, with the exception of the north-western territory, to be called the Apgarian Garatoniè
    • Cession of the territories occupied by the Grand Confederate Army of Apgar in the Texopictlan region to the Kingdom of Mehicania.
    • The immediate demilitarization of all islands within the chain of L' Illes Apgarie

    A more detailed definition of territorial boundaries and other such intricacies will be transmitted to the appropriate channels.

    The final treaty integrated almost all of the Apgarian demands and offers, with the exception of the cession the Town of Fugue to Alsace. The Fugunots had expressed their wish to remain a part of the Kingdom of Poasah. Additional details listed economic concessions and a transitional period whereby Allied forces retained a presence in Apgarian capitals for a year.

    One of the most contentious provisions of the treaty was the new role of the Seneran Navy] as Arbiter of the Seas. It established the Senerans as the final word in maritime law and order in the western leg of the Seneran-Apgarian-Posaran trading routes. This was protested by not only the Apgarians, but many of the Freeholds as well. It almost caused a crisis as the various delegations threatened to let the armistice lapse without resolution. To resolve the matter, Samantha Ardenne of the Poasan Delegation suggested that there be designated permanent demilitarized zones in which no military presence was to be allowed. The entirety of the island chain L' Illes Apgarie, and the Freeholds of Tamar and Rigatona were designated as permanent demilitarized zones, which had the effect of also dismantling the concerned freeholds' armies. They may, however, request assistance from any of the asignatories of the treaty if necessary.

    The treaty was finally signed on the 24th day of the 3rd month of the year 1255.