Poasan-Apgarian Conflict
The Poasan-Apgarian Conflict was a five-year, multi-front war between the Apgarian Confederacy and the Divine Alliance, a coalition led by the Kingdom of Poasah.
Potential Flashpoints 🔗
There was a tremendous amount of resentment against the Apgarian Confederacy in Western Betera by the 1200s in on small part due to the Apgarian Revolutions that saw the abolition of various monarchies that used to be in the territories that comprise their nation at present. Their acceptance of the paganist tradition of Old Kalassar instead of complete acceptance of Divine Masochism as the state religion was also a great point of contention. As such, there were many potential flashpoints in the Confederacy's 83 year existence by the time the "conflict" began.
Against Mehicania 🔗
Near the tail end of the Third Apgarian Revolution, a small contingent of revolutionaries were agitating the Mehicanian peasantry to rally against the Familia Real de la Azucena. The resultant uprising was very violent, leading to the death of the Infanta Sofia de la Azucena among others in the royal line, but it was ultimately crushed by royalist forces in coordination with Poasan reinforcement.
A much larger revolution happened in 1207, led by the Hermanos de la Libertad