First Kalassarian-Kureran War

    Only 15 years since the formation of the Kalassarian Empire from the ashes of the Republic of the Kalassus, war was declared against the Koradin Kurerans. The mutual show of aggression ended about a century of close contact, communication and cooperation between the two cultures.

    Casus Belli 🔗

    The Kurerans no longer wanted to conduct trade with the empire, due to its growing expansionist agenda. In order to justify the termination of trade agreements, the Kurerans argued that the Kalassarian Empire was no longer the same entity as the Republic of the Kalassus. The argument was that, since the party asignatory to the agreement no longer existed, the agreement was null and void, and was no longer in force. If the Kalassarians wished to gain access to Kureran magical devices, among other goods, they would have to apply for a new agreement.

    The Kurerans would immediately deny any application due to Kalassarian military aggression destabilizing the Beteran continent. Escalating matters, the Kurerans decided to even make deals with other polities for defensive capabilities, most notably with Manascula.


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