The Hick people are the native inhabitants of the island kingdom of Senera. Their identity has largely been subsumed by the modern nation of Senera, but vestiges of their culture can still be found in the form of various mystic and religious practices that have been integrated in the local branches of major religions such as the Church of the Divine Masochist.
In the 1270s AI, there had been a movement to revive the Hick identity and culture, particularly by an anti-monarchist group named the Hickland for Hicks. King Karlin III of Senera was also interested in reintroducing Hickic identity into the Crown, reestablishing ancient rites and traditions that were banned in the 500s AI.
Recent scholarship in the new field of Hickic studies used linguistic evidence to relate the Seneran Hick languages to substrates of present-day Northern Apgarian languages and some their more isolated dialects.
Hick Etymology 🔗
The term Hick itself came from a derogatory Kalassarian word hiccus, which meant local or native, with connotations of being uncivilized and barbaric. The ethnic group referred to themselves collectively as the Ma'al, which simply meant the people. Due to the preeminence of the Kalassarians however, and the lack of prior scholarship on the topic, the term Hick came to be used even by the succeeding generations of the island's inhabitants. The country refers to its inhabitants as Senerans now, from the Kalassarian name for the island, Seneria.
Hick Tribes 🔗
Magarisok 🔗
The Magarisok tribe is a small tribe who lived in the islet presently called Surrey-on-the-Brams. Despite the relatively small size of the tribe, they were well known for the accuracy of the divinations of their Malthrenok, or Tide Diviners. Even diviners from other tribes are said to defer to their divinations, if theirs are in contradiction with those of the Magarisok.
Mamalthrekok 🔗
Mabrisgralok 🔗
Maasamgralok 🔗
Mathrantor'al 🔗
The Greater Tribe 🔗
A surviving poem, The Giant of Inespell, mentions the existence of a Greater Tribe mator'al, is thought to be a coalition of the tribes that fought against a powerful tribe called the eldalok who had arrived on the island on something called the eldegralen asadimris. The term eldegralen asadimris is a matter of active scholarship at the moment. Scholars translated the phrase as "The Bridge to the Eldal Lands", which many interpret as some kind of ship, or a fleet of ships coming from across the sea. No evidence of the existence of such as ship exists however.