Dominguez Tailleur

    Dominguez Tailleur is an officer of the La Camaraderie ship, the Rozenmaiden. He currently serves as the ship's quartermaster. Born in the prominent Estregan Port City of Maras to Dauphine Tailleur and Aventador Rodriguez. The Tailleurs were well-known in the city as a family of skilled garment-makers up until the mid 1200s AI. The Apgarian-Poasan Conflict and its aftermath impoverished the city's many artisans and businesses, including the one owned by the Tailleurs. So though Dom was trained as his mother's apprentice, he left to become a sailor, and would later become a member of La Camaraderie.

    Early Life 🔗

    The first three years of Dom's life, the Tailleur family made military uniforms for the Estregan battalion. The income afforded them some measure of comfort during his early childhood. However as the war reached its climax, the military reallocated funding to munitions and essential supplies that orders of new uniforms shrank significantly. Seneran Naval blockades also shut down major port cities in the western Apgarian coast.

    The Estregan Port City of Maras, where the Tailleurs resided was one of those most heavily affected by the blockade. It made it near impossible for local weavers to get certain raw materials for garments, such as dyes from Racos Palma, which in turn limited what the Tailleurs could make. The blockade also limited the number of fishing vessels allowed to leave port. Since the people of the coastal city relied heavily on their fishing industry, this led to terrible long-term food shortages. It got so bad, that when Dom was five years old, his then infant younger sister Celeste nearly died due to malnutrition. Luckily, she survived and, as of 1275, she continued to work in the Tailleurs' shop near the Maras city plaza.

    During that time, Dom began his apprenticeship with is mother. At age five, he was given menial tasks, such as fetching spools of thread and helping measure-out the fabric. As he grew, so did his responsibilities.

    Adolescence 🔗

    By the time he was twelve years old, he was already capable of sewing according to his mother's designs. In 1261, many of the shipping restrictions imposed on Apgarian vessels have already lifted, and Dom's father had returned to fishing in order to augment their family's coffers, as Seneran boutiques still dominated the local garments industry.

    Often Dom would need to help his now middle-aged father, especially when the clothes shop wasn't busy. It was at this time that he learned how to sail a single-masted vessel along with a small fishing crew. Of course, his love was still for tailoring and dressmaking, so he preferred to work in his mother's workshop.

    The following year, the Tailleurs had the opportunity to purchase a shop near the city plaza. Dom noted that a shop window along one of the busiest streets in Maras would be the perfect place to showcase his mother's designs, and that they should take it. After a few days of deliberation, his mother took out a loan from the Apgarian Confederate Bank for the sum of 2,500 gold pieces, which would cover not just the location, it would also afford them better materials for new garments.

    Things seemed to have finally looked better for the Tailleurs. The construction of the new show was going faster than expected, and there seemed to have been some interest from some of the wealthier merchants for his mother's designs. That is, until the shipment of fabrics and dyes were confiscated by the Seneran patrols as suspected contraband. The delays in materials meant delays in the completion of ordered dresses and suits. These led to cancellations of contracts, which meant that the loan they took out couldn't be settled in a timely fashion. The bank seized Dom's childhood home and threatened to repossess the shop as well if they couldn't pay.

    Dom then decided that he would find his fortune in the sea. In the dead of night, he sneaked out of their shop, which they also made their home after the bank seized their family house in downtown Maras, and stowed away in a Mirian Trading Co. galley.

    Soon enough, after arriving at Port Rainoso, Dom found gainful employment as a deckhand in the Principium. He sent a majority of his wages to his mother which helped greatly in ensuring that payments for the loan were made.

    Sinking of the Principium 🔗

    The Principium was attacked by three Seneran frigates during a transport operation. Dom was manning the rigging at the time, as the ship navigated through the treacherous Sarmatian waters west of Parpelisse. A sudden explosion collapsed the ship's main mast and threw Dom into the sea. Another explosion sunk the ship, killing those who were in the lower decks at the time. Dom, Somme, Jean-Paul, Craçoix and Jethro, among others survived. The Senerans were able to capture members of that crew however.

    Jethro, distraught from the loss of his ship, and the fact that he didn't go down with it, retired from La Camaraderie and sailing entirely. Jean-Paul and Somme however, were only emboldened to oppose the Senerans even more. Jean-Paul used his connections as a de la Fouet to purchase a galley from Sanerian dry docks. They would christend the ship La Carnalis, and would invite Dom and other members of Principium first. Dom accepted.

    La Camaraderie