Benoit Marconne

    Benoit was a young foundling supposedly rescued and taken in by Rosemunda Parvese from the streets of the infamous East-side of Port Rainoso. Since then, he had been groomed to take on managerial rolss of increasing importance in the House of Pleasures. At the young age of 16, he had become a floor manager in the Miller Street House, on track to becoming an Assistant House Manager there. 

    Rosemunda. however, had other plans for the boy. Unbeknownst to most, Benoit is the only living male heir of the Dubreuil family--maker of one of the most well-known brands of Cognac in the Apgar Confederacy. A huge bounty was promised to any person who gives any information that leads to his recovery. People were told about one of two identifying marks on his body.

    Rosemunda's agents have been able to find and recover Benoit. The plan was, to negotiate a better deal in exchange for his safe return. Her quest for eternal youth, had led her to a different path. Illuvia Wunderplat had described to her the abilities of the Soul Stone, which allows the transfer of a soul into a new body. instead, she had planned to ingratiate the boy to her, and then once the time was ripe, she would transfer her soul to his body, and gain his inheritance. She would then have Benoit, in her old body, poisoned. She would set it up so that Benoit becomes sole inheritor of the Parvese estates as well. `
