

    Even though the group has access to spells like teleport nowadays, the most reliable and economical way to get to Phantasmagoria would be to go through the Walburton Doorway that connects the Turbiere de Hubar with the Walburton Mansion. The mansion is being jointly maintained by the Hags of Hama and the Hugo branch of La Camaraderie. Between those two organizations, Reformist activity has been practically eradicated in the Western Alsatian Corridor which encompasses the west bank of the La Furie River and the Anjou Pass.


    • La Camaraderie Chapter House
    • St. Taggart's Orphanage for Boys
    • St. Taggart's Chapel
    • Walburton Mansion
    • City Hall
    • Mayor's Residence
    • Water Reservoir
    • Cauchy's Observatory


    La Mort de la Quatrieme

    Depending on the exact date of arrival, the celebration of La Quatrieme either is being prepared, currently ongoing, or had just ended. It happens during the ninth last quarter moon every year. In the year 1275, it happens on the Eleventh Day of the Ninth Month.

    There would be subtle differences depending on the date of arrival, including whether or not the party is able to travel to Phantasmagoria with a larger group or not.

    Once the group leaves the Walburton Mansion, the streets of Hugo may be described differently depending on whether the party arrives before, during, or after 1275-9-11.


    The streets are bursting with energy, as the locals of Hugo eagerly prepare for an upcoming festival. Gourds of various shapes and sizes can be found in carts, storefronts and residences, with many young faces happily surrounding them, pointing to their parents which ones would best decorate their straw effigies of La Quatrieme, the Fourth Witch.

    Around town, various shops sell straw, black linens, pointed hats, and gourds pre-carved with rounded eye-holes and a wide scowl, with a carrot's fat-end sticking out like a bulbous nose in the middle.

    A sizeable number of obvious tourists are also seen mixed among the locals, dressed in garb much different from the typical woolen Alsatian designs. Some are sporting a two-toned winter robe held together with a silken sash along the midriff. Some donning intricately-wrapped colorful linens upon their heads. Some with eyes that seem as if in a permanent squint. Most seem to be mostly curious about the festivities, but do not seem so interested as to partake in the active pursuit of collecting materials for the upcoming event.


    As you descend from the meandering mountain path that led to Walburton Mansion, you see in the distance a fire of great intensity in the middle of Hugo's town plaza, accompanied with great shouts of "La Quatrieme is dead!"

    The streets themselves are lined with effigies of all shapes and sizes, all topped with gourds with misshapen faces carved into them. The men, women and children of the town
